Release Notes For Mathcad 2000 Professional Network Setup

If you have purchased a network version of Mathcad 2000 Professional, refer to this file for system requirements and installation instructions. If you have not purchased a network version, refer to the file RELNOTES.HTM for information.

If you have purchased a network license, you may install Mathcad 2000 Professional on a networked computer and provide access to as many end users as you have purchased licenses from MathSoft, Inc. You will need the Mathcad 2000 Professional CD to install Mathcad 2000 Professional on a network server and to copy client setup files to that network server. Subsequently, you will run a setup program from the network server to configure individual client machines to run Mathcad from the server.

Table of Contents

1. System Requirements

2. Contents of the Mathcad Installation CD

3. Server Setup Instructions

4. Client Setup Instructions

5. Where to Get More Information


1. System Requirements

Server machine

Client machine


2. Contents of the Mathcad Installation CD

The Mathcad installation CD contains the following:


3. Server Setup Instructions


  1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The first time you do this, the CD will automatically start the installation program. If the installation program does not start automatically, you can start it by choosing Run from the Start menu and typing D:\SETUP (where "D:" is your CD-ROM drive). Click "OK."
  2. Click the Mathcad icon on the main installation screen.
  3. When prompted, enter your name, company name, and product serial number. The serial number is located on the back of the CD case.
  4. Follow the remaining on-screen instructions. For an installation destination select a shared network resource (or create one) for which the administrator has write privileges.

This procedure installs:

Axum LE

  1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The first time you do this, the CD will automatically start the installation program. If the installation program does not start automatically, you can start it by choosing Run from the Start menu and typing D:\SETUP (where "D:" is your CD-ROM drive). Click "OK."
  2. Click the Axum LE icon on the main installation screen.
  3. Choose Server as the "Setup Type" when prompted to do so. Follow the on-screen instructions.


SmartSketch and Autodesk Volo View

Copy the \Ssle folder and the \AutoDesk folder to the network server for access from end user machines. These programs can only be installed to end user machines.


4. Client Setup Instructions


You must run an end-user setup program on every workstation that will run Mathcad, even if the client workstations are accessing a shared network Mathcad installation.

  1. Access the network share created by the Administrator during the network setup (see above) and run the program SETUP.EXE located in the network installation location to launch the Setup Wizard. Do not run the program SETUP.EXE on the Mathcad installation CD.
  2. When prompted, enter a name and company name. The product serial number should be filled in automatically from information provided during the server setup above.
  3. Follow the remaining on-screen instructions. For an installation destination select a local directory for which the end user has write privileges. This is required since the user will maintain a private spell-checking dictionary and will maintain a local default directory for File Open and File Save operations, among other functions.


Access the network share created by the Administrator during the network setup and run the program SETUP.EXE located in the network installation location to launch the Setup Wizard. Do not run the program SETUP.EXE on the Mathcad installation CD. The setup program will detect that this is a client installation and by default install only the components needed to run Axum over the network.


Access the network share created by the Administrator during the network setup and run the program SETUP.EXE located in the \Ssle folder on the network to launch the Setup Wizard. Do not run the program SETUP.EXE on the Mathcad installation CD.

Autodesk Volo View Express

Access the network share created by the Administrator during the network setup and run the program SETUP.EXE located in the \AutoDesk folder on the network to launch the Setup Wizard. Do not run the program SETUP.EXE on the Mathcad installation CD.

Shared network resources

Some components, such as the on-line documentation files provided in Adobe Acrobat format, are not copied to local workstations during client installation. End users may access these resources from the network installation of Mathcad or may copy them individually to local workstations.


5. Where to Get More Information

When you purchase the network version of Mathcad 2000 Professional you automatically qualify for the Mathcad Corporate Support Plan, which gives you an 800 number to call for technical support, priority E-mail service, and free software updates and information. Call 800-MATHCAD for more information or send email to

On-line information



Mathcad, Axum, and S-PLUS are registered trademarks and Electronic Book, QuickSheets, MathConnex, and Collaboratory are trademarks of MathSoft, Inc.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.

MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.

SmartSketch is a registered trademark of Intergraph Corporation.

Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Other brand and product names referred to are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
