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The tool may be used on-line to a drive, or off-line with no drive connected. For on-line, connect the computer COM1 serial port to the drive RS232 PORT1 FCC68 4 way socket using a drive to host cable (2 metre cable part no. LA102595). The COM1 port cable connecter is a 9 way female D type. Then using the keys and display on the drive, set the drive RS232 PORT 1 to communicate with the PILOT as follows: SERIAL LINKS / RS232 PORT1 187)PORT1 BAUD RATE set 19200 188)PORT1 FUNCTION set ASCII COMMS. SERIAL LINKS / RS232 PORT1 / PORT1 COMMS LINK 193)PORT1 GROUP ID set 0 194)PORT1 UNIT ID set 0. (To avoid having to re-enter after power down, you can save these settings at the drive using PARAMETER SAVE.) (If values are XXX after setting as above, check COM baud rate (click Options). Also try re-applying the control supply to the drive) When used off-line, you can create recipes of drive configurations. On-line you can also monitor and adjust the drive parameters. There are 3 levels of recipe creation available to suit all requirements. TOTAL RECIPE (Top level) Used to manipulate the entire range of parameters. Every single adjustable parameter including all connections are available on one page. This allows recipes to be created that completely describe the drive configuration. This involves over 600 parameters. A zoom function is available to assist viewing. Bar sub-set (2nd level) Used to manipulate each main sub-set of parameters. There are 4 menu bars on the PILOT entry page. 1)CHANGE PARAMETERS, 2)DIAGNOSTICS and ANCILLARY FUNCTIONS, 3)APPLICATIONS BLOCKS, 4)CONTROL TERMINALS and CONNECTIONS. Each bar has buttons that allow access to drive blocks. At the top of the bar is a button that allows access to one page that contains all the adjustable parameters within the bar. This is the bar sub-set containing approximately 100 parameters. Block pages (Lowest level) Used to manipulate parameters of individual blocks within the drive. Each block has its own page with a block diagram. When on-line the above structure allows the user to copy and paste sections of recipes, using the drive as a medium of exchange. Each block page also possesses useful monitoring points and connection facilities. The CUSTOM PAGE allows the user to select up to 16 parameters, displayed in bar graph or panel meter format. The tile function allows simultaneous viewing of more than one page. Hence when tiled, the CUSTOM PAGE may sit alongside other blocks giving the user a very flexible monitoring package for commissioning. When on-line the system automatically checks for GOTO connection faults, and highlights the conflicts. The layout of the block pages and soft buttons mimics the drive menu structure and is intuitive. RS232 PORT1 socket located just above the centre terminal block. pinfunctionD pinW0VD5X+24Vnot connectedYtransmitD2 (COM1 receive)ZreceiveD3 (COM1 transmit) W X Y Z <a"2tyTU  +  78뾶OJQJB*CJOJQJ5B*CJOJQJ5B* CJOJQJB*CJOJQJ5B*CJOJQJ CJOJQJ5CJOJQJj5OJQJUmH"a3 U  -.78<E$@&Oh+'0d   , 8DLT\ssSprint Electricpri Normal.dottSprint Electric3riMicrosoft Word 8.0@q@*@fEB՜.+,D՜.+,0 hp  Arundel1  Title 6> _PID_GUIDAN{D16E979B-D01A-11D4-B189-0060973E13FF}OlePres000+]OlePres000`>z] . &WordMicrosoft Word  &% [i  "--$$) _) ) ) ) ` ` S   d  _S _` _` _ "--& h @"Arial- h .&2 h RS232 PORT1 socket<7./.7A<4.*.)+..h .,2 h located just above the.*./..*./.*./..TBh .,2 Bh centre terminal block.*....G....*+.T'@"Arial- .F2 'Overview of the PILOT configuration andN68(68P=!!=8C=N=8==!=='8!==8==.T@"Arial--x.%2 xmonitoring tool. Y==!='==!==.T-{.:2 {The tool may be used on-line to=8878T8188828788!878.T.O2 -a drive, or off-line with no drive connected.88!188!7!87G8888!1828788278.Ta.O2 a-For on-line, connect the computer COM1 serial=8!88!881878828727T878!HNS818!8.T.I2 )port to the drive RS232 PORT1 FCC68 4 way88!7788!18HC887CNG>7=HH887G81.TG.2 G}socket using a drive to host cable (2 metre cable part no. LA102595). The COM1 port cable connecter is a 9 way female D type.28228828788!1887821888 8S8!8188888!888B887878!>87HNS878!28882788818!288G818S88H188.T- .2 rThen using the keys and display on the drive, set the drive RS232 PORT 1 to communicate with the PILOT as follows:==8==8==!=879588===8=85=="=8='6888!!=8='68HC888CNH=8!=8=YY==78!8O!=!=8C=N<87!=<O7".T- --.42 -SERIAL LINKS / RS232 PORT1 CCHC88HCBHB887CNG>8.T-."2 -187)PORT1 BAUD 888!CNG>7CCHH.T-l .2 -l RATE HC=C.T- * .2 * set 1920078!88788.T- -.(2 -188)PORT1 FUNCTION 888!CNG>7=HHH>NH.T- *c.#2 *cset ASCII COMMS.78!ECHHNSSC.T- -.O2 -SERIAL LINKS / RS232 PORT1 / PORT1 COMMS LINKCCHC88HCBHB887CNG>8CNG>7HNSSC8HC.T .(2  193)PORT1 GROUP ID 888!CNG>7NHNHCH.T- .2 set 078!8.T- h.&2 h194)PORT1 UNIT ID 888!CNG>7HH=H.T- .2 set 088!8.T . 2 ..T-.2 n(To avoid having to re-enter after power down, you can save these settings at the drive using PARAMETER SAVE.)!>88188881878!8!888!78!78G8!88G818828828187828278727788!188287CCHCSB>CHCCBC!.T@"Arial- .2 (If values are XXX after setting as above, check COM baud rate (click Options). Also try re-applying the control supply to the drive)238333$2===23#3387323882338333AHL8388$32232G8883?38$1$338818883388$8388818828#23.T -b.2 bWhen used off-line, you can create recipes of drive configurations. On-line you can also monitor and adjust the drive parameters.a77781887!881882872!888!8288178!1827778!8882N8!88188188828T788!7888882788!1888!8T78!2.T--.y2 IThere are 3 levels of recipe creation available to suit all requirements.>78!88!7881827!82882!78788188888288!878!8S882.T-- E.2 E TOTAL RECIPE =N>F=HCHCC.TE.2 E (Top level)!===868!.TE.V2 E2Used to manipulate the entire range of parameters.H88=!=Y8===8 8!=88=!&8'8=<8=!=8'8X8!8'7.T- .2 }Every single adjustable parameter including all connections are available on one page. This allows recipes to be created thatC18"12878888288778!8S88!82888782788818828!8818888888788878>8288G2!828828782!878778.T..2 .completely describe the drive configuration. This involves over 600 parameters. A zoom function is available to assist viewing.28T88818822!88878!1828778!887>82818182818!88888 7T88!2C187T7827828188888822218H87.T- .2  Bar sub-setH8'8==!88!.T.2  (2nd level)!8==868!.T.X2 3Used to manipulate each main sub-set of parameters.H88=!=Y8===8 8878=X8=8==!78!=!=8'8Y8 8'8.T -.P2 .There are 4 menu bars on the PILOT entry page.>78!88!78T78888!27888B8M>88!18878.T` .)2 ` 1)CHANGE PARAMETERS,8!HHCHNCCCHCSC=CHB.T<.42 <2)DIAGNOSTICS and ANCILLARY8!HCNHNB>HC887CHH87CHB.T.2  FUNCTIONS,=HHH>NHC.T.,2 3)APPLICATIONS BLOCKS,8!CCC7HB>NHCC8NHBC.T` .A2 ` $4)CONTROL TERMINALS and CONNECTIONS.8!HNH>HN8=CHSHC8C887HNHHCH>NHC.T.2 Each bar has buttons that allow access to drive blocks. At the top of the bar is a button that allows access to one page that containsC82888!782787827888G82282278!1888222C787877878!2888878788G28228228788887888188882.Tm .2 m nall the adjustable parameters within the bar. This is the bar sub-set containing approximately 100 parameters.888888288788!8S78!2G887878!>8228878!278!282788887888 81T88188888!7T88!2.T-  .2 Block pagesH=88=8=78.T . 2 (Lowest level)!=<P88!868!.T .q2 DUsed to manipulate parameters of individual blocks within the drive.H88=!=Y8===8 8=8&8Y8!8&8=!==6==8==888O!==!=8='68.T -S .U2 S 1Each block has its own page with a block diagram.C828882278228G88878G888822887!8T.T- .2 When on-line_=8===!=8.T- u.2 ut the above structure allows the user to copy and paste sections of recipes, using the drive as a medium of exchange.87878182!828!788G288818!7288187878281827827!828828287788!18827S888S781288878.T9 .2 9 REach block page also possesses useful monitoring points and connection facilities.C828882278788278821822828278S888!877882887287882788282.T- .2  The >78.T- .2  CUSTOM PAGEHHC=NSDENC.T- .2  o allows the user to select up to 16 parameters, displayed in bar graph or panel meter format. The tile function88G288828!728828888888!7T88!28288188878!7!8888!8878T88!8!S8>78878287.T .2 zallows simultaneous viewing of more than one page. Hence when tiled, the CUSTOM PAGE may sit alongside other blocks giving88G22T888788218G878S8!88878787878H7828G8888788HHB>NSCCNCS8128887288878!882227187.T .h2  >the user a very flexible monitoring package for commissioning.88828!818!18188S888!8778228788!27TT227887.T .2 fWhen on-line the system automatically checks for GOTO connection faults, and highlights the conflicts.a77778!88882128S877T82812882228!NM>N187882787828878787828728722.T^.2 ^`The layout of the block pages and soft buttons mimics the drive menu structure and is intuitive.>7881887888822787828782778882TT22878!18T7882!818!888728818.T- "-;--!-)O.2 )Opin... Ran)w.2 )wfunction..*... ).2 )D pin<... - !! - "-! !$! % -- !! - "-! !$! % -- !$!$- "-!$!H-- !!H- "-!H!L!H%H-- !!L- "-!L!-- !!- "-!!!%-- !!- "-!!n-- !!n- "-!n!r!n%n-- !!n- "-!n!r!n%n-- !`% - "-%  -- !`%H- "-%HH-- !`%- "-%-- !`%n- "-%nn-O. 2 OWS. w.2 w0V.7. .2 D5<.. - ! - "- $  -- !$$- "-$H-- !H- "-HLHH-- !L- "-L-- !- "--- !- "-n-- !n- "-nrnn-- !` - "-  -- !`H- "-HH-- !`- "--- !`n- "-nn-O. 2 OX8. w.2 w+24V0./7. .2  not connected..*./..*/.. - ! - "- $  -- !$$- "-$H-- !H- "-HLHH-- !L- "-L-- !- "--- !- "-n-- !n- "-nrnn-- !` - "- M -- !`H- "-HMH-- !`- "-M-- !`n- "-nMn-UO. 2 UOY6. Uw.2 Uwtransmit..*G. 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