ͫkc7CDynamicAttribute:Text_144z#!DRIVE_.789)Drive Software Versionp = CDrawButtonBtn_109g ] Bo Connections. RECIPE6.GDW CDrawTextText_23-E--eIf you click on the TILE button, then the page will be left running and another page may be selected.Arial Text_25   ~This allows 2 or more pages to be opened simultaneously. They may all then be viewed using the TILE option in the Window menu.Arial Text_81/W ## Click 'Window' for TILE functionArial Text_81/ ##Click 'File' for PRINT.Arial Text_87 Q    ConnectionsArial Text_117   E.g. Use the Custom page to select parameters of your choice, and using the tile function, view them simultaneously with a block page.Arial Text_36   1Click this button for help on making connections.Arial Text_89 }  Making ConnectionsArial Text_21 g  eFound on each page, it may be used to view the page which shows all the GOTO and GETFROM connections.Arial Text_22   PTo return to the initial page click on the BACK button in the Connections page. Arial Text_120   TileArial Text_56qIf a value that is normally alterable has a GOTO connection made to it, then it will not accept a change on-line.Arial Text_57 :  aThe GOTO source determines its value. Connections shows all the GOTO's as an aid in this respect.Arial Btn_34g Making Connections. MAKECON.GDWBtn_46g ԨRecipe Archiving. archive.gdwBtn_57g3 p,Range.Btn_558gV p*Defaults.Btn_37[gt Alter Parameter Value. ALTERPAR.GDWText_41 l0] ` `8Click this button for help on altering parameter values.Arial Text_90 {l o oAlter Parameter ValueArial Text_91 ]9N Q QDefaultsArial Text_48  ZRecipes may be created and stored on-line OR off-line and archived using Windows Explorer.Arial Text_49  NRecipes may be created independently for each block, sub-menu or TOTAL RECIPE.Arial Text_93 k  Recipe FunctionsArial Btn_112yg '3Colour Dynamics. HELPCOL.GDWText_114 j  Colour DynamicsArial Text_115 `{ ~ ~lClick this button for colour dynamics description. (Note, Computer contrast and brightness must be optimum).Arial Btn_124g2 32WARNING. HELPWARN.GDWBtn_1262 ngle d"Pilot to drive set-up and overview. HELPILOT.gdwBtn_127T(T lloClose.Text_28 SDD G GhClick this button and a drop down list shows the default parameter values. Note, cannot be used to send.Arial Text_130 D5 8 8.The list may be left on whilst using the page.Arial Text_131 8In recipe mode, select the list first, then recipe mode.Arial Text_92 ^iO R RPILOT version is:Arial Text_26 +b  nClick this button and a drop down list shows range and units for all parameters. Note, cannot be used to send.Arial Text_27    .The list may be left on whilst using the page.Arial Text_62  PARAMETER SAVE may be done using the button or on the drive itself. The PARAMETER SAVE button can be found in all the 'TOTAL' pages.Arial Text_63  $Click on PARAMETER SAVE, the messageArial Text_64'''Ywill appear for 5 seconds. If you click on YES during this time then a SAVE is attempted.Arial Text_65$SURE?ArialText_57m]UNmQmQ*Please refer to Paragraph 5.1.6 in manual.Arial Text_58  zNote. You may select 1 of 3 recipe pages in the drive where the recipe is saved. (Normal reset, 2-Key reset, 3-key reset).Arial Text_59 L fThe values will not be permanently saved in the drive unless the PARAMETER SAVE function is performed.Arial Text_95  Drive Parameter SaveArial Text_1343Values may be altered or recipes sent to the drive.Arial Text_136 |  Recipe page 3 may be locked, saving requires authorisation. A warning to check the drive display appears if the save function has aborted.Arial Btn_30Hgf ArialBack. CDrawGroupGrp_137 ^Jm-PGrp_137.Text_522mJ^((4The Back button will return you to the previous pageArial Grp_137.Text_96 m'^BackArial 5Grp_138 m| Grp_138.Text_94 |umZoom out / Zoom inArial Grp_138.Text_51}|mssvZoom out ( X 0.75) and Zoom in ( X 1.25) functions are provided in the top task bar to enlarge or shrink page sectionsArial Text_139 RC( Note. In recipe mode, non recipe button functions are inhibited.)Arial Text_140D5888In recipe mode, select the list first, then recipe mode.Arial Text_141 5.& ) )RangeArial Text_142  CWhen working on-line, the software reads parameters from the drive.Arial Text_143]?N?Q?QDrive Software Version is: Arial Text_144G]_NGQGQXXXArial Text_145s]NsQsQ4.05Arial 5Grp_1462 CDrawRectGrp_146.RLE_83DGrp_146.RLE_84$5Grp_147<2DGrp_146.RLE_83DGrp_146.RLE_84$Btn_148g ԨRecipe Functions. HELPRECI.GDWBtn_149 Multidrop.HELPMULTIDROP.GDW