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The hardware required is as follows. An RS232/485 convertor for the computer COM1 serial port, and one convertor for each drive. There are many suitable convertors on the market. PILOT has been tested using BB electronics model 485019TB convertors modified to take 24V power from the drive serial port. This convertor has an automatic tri-state control circuit. If necessary use 196)P1 DOP3 RTS MODE to control convertors that require an RTS (ready to send) signal. For details on wiring and using convertors please refer to the SERIAL COMMS manual available on the drive manufacturers website. Setting up MULTIDROP systems in the RS232 PORT1 sub menu using the drive keys. Each drive on the serial link must have 193)PORT1 GROUP ID set to 0, and 194)PORT1 UNIT ID set to a unique number between 0 and 9. 187)PORT1 BAUD RATE must be set to 19200, and 188)PORT1 FUNCTION must be set to ASCII COMMS. Do not let any drives have the same UNIT ID otherwise there will be a bus conflict. After setting perform PARAMETER SAVE on each drive. Always have one of the drives set to UNIT ID 0. All the buttons in the PILOT configuration tool apart from ‘Multidrop’ automatically use drive 0. How to use the Multidrop button in conjunction with the ‘Window’ and ‘Tile’ functions in the top task bar. When clicking on ‘Multidrop’ the first screen you enter will be for DRIVE_00. The top half of the screen shows various parameters and the bottom half has several more buttons. There is an identical screen like this one for all the drives 00 - 09. There are 10 buttons inviting you to tile a drive. Each time you click on one of these the appropriate screen will be opened. When you have opened all the screens for the drives you want displayed go to ‘Window’ in the top task bar and click on ‘Tile’. You will see that a window for each drive selected will automatically tile itself. The size of the tile will depend on the number of drives selected. The buttons will be obscured. To reveal the buttons at any time just go to ‘Window’ in the top task bar, and click on ‘Cascade’. To close down any window use the X in the top right hand corner. You may re-tile the remaining windows. To go back to the ENTRY MENU, close all the windows except for one and then click on the ENTRY MENU button. WARNING. If you select a drive that does not exist on the link, then the update times of valid drives will become very slow. This is because PILOT is trying to talk to, and getting no response from, the non-existent drive. It keeps on re-trying for each non-existant parameter and this occupies alot of time. The valid drives will eventually be accessed but it may take a minute or two. This will also happen if there is no DRIVE_00 because PILOT always wants to communicate with DRIVE_00 to maintain its configuration strategy. The parameters displayed for each drive are designed to give useful monitoring facilities. They include ALARMS and digital input states amongst others. There are also 16 user settable parameters for linear signals, 6 of which are displayed in a panel meter format. A hide/reveal button operates on unused parameters. (Note. The lower middle task bar shows selected parameter identities, which is sometimes useful). If a read/write parameter is selected, the value may be altered. All 16 user parameters and their values may be stored in a recipe. WARNING. Unused parameters values or read only parameter values will cause a comms warning during a recipe send. Do not worry, just select continue and PILOT will go to the next value. A button for total parameter ‘List’ (with alter) is available for all drives. DRIVE PARAMETER SAVE may accessed for each drive from this list. There is a ‘Send To’ button on each drive screen and all the PILOT configuration pages also. This allows recipes to be sent to one or more drives on the link. Hence use DRIVE_00 as a scratch pad to develop and store the configuration recipe for any drive. Then use ‘Send to’ at any time to deliver it to the target drive. DRIVE_00 can be the last drive to be configured. If you want to re-use DRIVE_00 as a scratchpad it is a good idea to store its own values in a temporary recipe first, or refrain from saving on DRIVE_00 and turn it off and on again to restore its own settings. There is a useful diagnostic button called ‘Linkscan’ that shows all the active drives on a link, and provides a total list for each drive on one screen. ltяШ?QXZ`q‘™š­НТШкъјL€ЎА ~ @ I j p ~ ‡ Њ Ћ ] с›лшё|мцяОјѓыѓхѓјѓхѓпѓхѓпѓхѓпѓхѓпйхбпЫјЫхЫхЫхЫхЫйЫпЫхЫхЫпЫхЫ B*OJQJ>*B*OJQJ B*OJQJ B*OJQJ B*OJQJ5>*OJQJOJQJ>*B*OJQJ2ўџр…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0x˜ЄАШдрє  4 @ LX`hpфssSprint Electricpripri Normal.dottSprint Electric2riMicrosoft Word 8.0@@8ѕї|С@8ѕї|СžўџеЭеœ.“—+,љЎDеЭеœ.“—+,љЎ0ь hp€ˆ˜  ЈАИ Р ЭфArundelѓ1  Title˜ 6> _PID_GUIDфAN{810D9901-4F8E-11D5-B189-EA85BB7CFC6E}OlePres000џџџџџџџџџџџџ-|KOlePres000џџџџџџџџџџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ0`^ABK Ё%ё&џџџџWordMicrosoft Word  qЙ ћ -ћ­џ@"Univers ATTфБ- џ.%2 ЙqMULTIDROP systemsK<-4<7?1*.*-H*.ќџ- !№=`ќџџџ- f.д2 f†ЙqThe PILOT configuration tool is able to communicate with up to 10 drives on a single serial link. The hardware required is as follows.40-1-?4-0000-0000)-0-0-0HH00---H0/00440.-*00-*00,*--0,40-0-0H---00-0*-)00H*.дpАЂЫ.п2 ЫЙqAn RS232/485 convertor for the computer COM1 serial port, and one convertor for each drive. There are many suitable convertors on the market.=066454454-00.-000--0H00-:?K4*--00-0000--00.-00-,-00.-40----H-0.)0-0--00.-0*000-H---.дpАЂ-0.s2 0EЙqPILOT has been tested using BB electronics model 485019TB convertors 1-?40-*0--0,*-00*0044---00-*H00-44445444-00.-0*.дpАЂћ­џМ@"Univers ATT%-1- .2 1- ЙqmodifiedH00-0.дpАЂ-0y .m2 0y AЙq to take 24V power from the drive serial port. This convertor has0---44<00H-0H0-0.-*--0040*-00.-00-).дpАЂќ- !№K- -–.a2 –9Йqan automatic tri-state control circuit. If necessary use -0-00H--*-,-000--00,--)*-.0*-.дpАЂ џ–>.)2 –>Йq196)P1 DOP3 RTS MODE44414<?24646K?<0.дpАЂ –' .t2 –' FЙq to control convertors that require an RTS (ready to send) signal. For0-000-00.-0*0,-00--/646--0.0*-00*00-.0.дpАЂћ.Х2 ћ|Йqdetails on wiring and using convertors please refer to the SERIAL COMMS manual available on the drive manufacturers website.0--*0/H00-000*0/-00.-0*0--*,--00-606=-:?KK6H-00--.--0-000-0.-H-00,-0-*H-0*,.дpАЂ џЦ.€2 ЦNЙqSetting up MULTIDROP systems in the RS232 PORT1 sub menu using the drive keys.6-0000K<-4<6?1*.*-H*00-664441?644*00H-000*000-0.-,-.*.дpАЂ - !№ &-+.G2 +(ЙqEach drive on the serial link must have 0--00.-000-)--0-H0*/-.-.дpАЂ џ+і.&2 +іЙq193)PORT1 GROUP ID4441?654=7?<1<.дpАЂ +h .2 +h Йq set to*-0.дpАЂ џџ+e .2 +e Йq 04.дpАЂ +Е .2 +Е Йq, and -00.дpАЂ џ+– .%2 +– Йq194)PORT1 UNIT ID4441?654<<4<.дpАЂ +Ќ.;2 +Ќ Йq set to a unique number between *-0-0000-00H0-0,H--0.дpАЂ џџ+б.2 +бЙq0 and 9.4-004.дpАЂ  џ‘.(2 ‘Йq187)PORT1 BAUD RATE4441?6545=<<7=40.дpАЂ ‘Т.#2 ‘ТЙq must be set to H0*0-*-0.дpАЂ џџ‘1.2 ‘1Йq1920044444.дpАЂ ‘5.2 ‘5Йq, and -00.дpАЂ џ‘.&2 ‘Йq188)PORT1 FUNCTION4441?744.<=:4@<.дpАЂ ‘Ђ .#2 ‘Ђ Йq must be set to H0*0-*-0.дpАЂ џџ‘.2 ‘ ЙqASCII COMMS.=6:;?KL6.дpАЂ  џі.‰2 іTЙqDo not let any drives have the same UNIT ID otherwise there will be a bus conflict. <000--0.0.-*0-.-0-)-H-<<4<00-H*-0--H0--0/*-00-.дpАЂ џіП .X2 іП 3ЙqAfter setting perform PARAMETER SAVE on each drive.=-*-000-0H1=6>K04067=<000---00.-.дpАЂ  џџ[.P2 [.ЙqAlways have one of the drives set to UNIT ID 0=H-.*0-.-00-00,0.-**-0<<4<4.дpАЂ[9.2 [9Йq. .дpАЂ [q.2 [qaЙqAll the buttons in the PILOT configuration tool apart from ‘Multidrop’ automatically use drive 0.=0-0000)00,1-?4-0000-0000-0-0HK0000-00H---.0*,0.-4.дpАЂќџџ- !№8Л- џ&.Њ2 &jЙqHow to use the Multidrop button in conjunction with the ‘Window’ and ‘Tile’ functions in the top task bar.<0H00*-0,K0000000/0-00/0-00H0/-S000H-/04-0/-00)00,00,*-/-.дpАЂ- !№2†- ‹.у2 ‹ЙqWhen clicking on ‘Multidrop’ the first screen you enter will be for DRIVE_00. The top half of the screen shows various parameters and the bottomS0-0---0000K0000/-**---0.00-0-H0-0<6<0*4440-000-00-*---0*00H*.-00*/--H--*-000-0/0H.дpАЂё.я2 ё˜Йqhalf has several more buttons. There is an identical screen like this one for all the drives 00 - 09. There are 10 buttons inviting you to tile a drive.0-0-)*-.--H0-00/0*40--*-00-0--*---/--0*00,0-/-0.-*444440----440000*0.00.000,-0.-.дpАЂV.х2 V‘ЙqEach time you click on one of these the appropriate screen will be opened. When you have opened all the screens for the drives you want displayed0--0H-.00-,-0000-00-)-0,-0000--)---0H0,00-0,0S0-0.0/0-.-0/-0-0-0-*---/*00,0.-*.00H-00*0-.-0.дpАЂЛ.2 ЛЙqgo to 000.дpАЂ џЛч.2 Лч Йq‘Window’ S000H.дpАЂ Лz.=2 Лz!Йqin the top task bar and click on 00-00-)-0--/0--,00.дpАЂ џЛM.2 ЛMЙq‘Tile’4-.дpАЂ Л.Ё2 ЛdЙq. You will see that a window for each drive selected will automatically tile itself. The size of the800H*--0-,H000H0---00.-*----0H-00H---.-*-40-*(-00-.дpАЂ!.х2 !‘Йqtile will depend on the number of drives selected. The buttons will be obscured. To reveal the buttons at any time just go to ‘Window’ in the top-H0-0-000/0-00H0-00.-*)----/40-0000*H0-00*-0-/40-.--0,00/0*--0.H-0*00/S000H00,00.дpАЂ†..2 †Йqtask bar, and click on -*-/--00---0/.дpАЂ џ†^.2 †^ Йq‘Cascade’:-*--/-.дpАЂ †н.@2 †н#Йq. To close down any window use the 40-/*-00H0-0.H000H0*-0,.дpАЂ џ†œ . 2 †œ ЙqX<.дpАЂ †и .|2 †и KЙq in the top right hand corner. You may re-tile the remaining windows. To go00,00000-00-00-900H-.--0--H-000H000H*400/.дpАЂь.Ѓ2 ьeЙqback to the ENTRY MENU, close all the windows except for one and then click on the ENTRY MENU button.0---/0-0<469K0<<-0*,-0,H000H*-.--00/0--/00-/---000,0<469K0<<0000.дpАЂ џQ.ы2 Q•ЙqWARNING. If you select a drive that does not exist on the link, then the update times of valid drives will become very slow. This is because PILOT isS=6<<=.00*----0.-/-00,*00-.*0/0-/-0,00-000-,H-*0.-/0.-*H0--0H-.-.*0H40**/---/*-1-?4*.дpАЂ  џЖ.ь2 Ж–Йqtrying to talk to, and getting no response from, the non-existent drive. It keeps on re-trying for each non-existant parameter and this occupies alot.000--/-0/0-0/00-*/00*-0H0-00/-.*-00.--,-0*/0-.000-,-000/-.*-00--H---/00*0--00-*-0.дpАЂ  џ .Œ2  VЙqof time. The valid drives will eventually be accessed but it may take a minute or two.0H-40-.-00.-*H-.-00-./---,-*)-000H-.----H00-0H0.дpАЂ  .п2  ЙqThis will also happen if there is no DRIVE_00 because PILOT always wants to communicate with DRIVE_00 to maintain its configuration strategy.40*H-*00-00,00-,*0/<6<0*440---0*,1-?4-H-.*H-0*0-0HH00---H0<6<0*440H-0-0*-0/00-00*--0..дpАЂL .т2 L ЙqThe parameters displayed for each drive are designed to give useful monitoring facilities. They include ALARMS and digital input states amongst40-0--H--*0*0-.-/0--,00.---0,*00-/00.-/*-0H00000---)40-.0-00,=-=6K6-0000-000)--)-H000*.дpАЂБ .ь2 Б –Йqothers. There are also 16 user settable parameters for linear signals, 6 of which are displayed in a panel meter format. A hide/reveal button operates00-*40-----*0440*-)--0-0--H--*0/--*0/-*40H0-/--0*0-.-00,0-0-H--0H-=00--.--000000---*.дpАЂ .х2  ‘Йqon unused parameters. (Note. The lower middle task bar shows selected parameter identities, which is sometimes useful). If a read/write parameter00000*,00--H--*<0-40,0H-H00--*-0-*00H**----00--H--0,0-*H0-0**0H-H-*0*,0---0H-0--H--.дpАЂ| .р2 | ŽЙqis selected, the value may be altered. All 16 user parameters and their values may be stored in a recipe. WARNING. Unused parameters values or**--,-00-.-0,H-.0----0=440*-0--H--*-00/-.-0-*H-.0-*0-0/---0,S=6<<=<00*-00--H--*.-0-*0.дpАЂс .}2 с LЙqread only parameter values will cause a comms warning during a recipe send. --000.0--H--.-0-)H--0*---0HH*H-0000000-,-0-)-00.дpАЂ џџс ф .2 с ф ЙqDo not worry<000H0..дpАЂ с ц .d2 с ц ;Йq, just select continue and PILOT will go to the next value.0**----/000--001-?4H0000,0-..-0-.дpАЂF .€2 F NЙqA button for total parameter ‘List’ (with alter) is available for all drives. =000000-0--H---*H0--*-.--0-0-0.-*.дpАЂ џF р .k2 F р @ЙqDRIVE PARAMETER SAVE may accessed for each drive from this list.<6<01=6>K04067=<0H-.----**-00---00.-0H0**.дpАЂ  .2  ЙqThere is a 40--*-.дpАЂ џ š.2  š Йq‘Send To’6,0040.дpАЂ  .Ы2  €Йq button on each drive screen and all the PILOT configuration pages also. This allows recipes to be sent to one or more drives on00000/---00.-*---0-00-0-1-?4-0000-/00-0,*-*040*-0H*--0-*00,*-000/-0H0-0.-*00.дpАЂw .2 w Йqthe link. 0-0-.дpАЂ џџw U.›2 w U`ЙqHence use DRIVE_00 as a scratch pad to develop and store the configuration recipe for any drive.<,0--/*-<6<0*44-*,*--,00-/00-.-/0-00*0-/--0/00-00--/-0-0.0.-.дpАЂ w 5.2 w 5 Йq Then use 40-/0*,.дpАЂ џw Я.2 w Я Йq‘Send to’6-000.дpАЂ w 4..2 w 4Йq at any time to deliver--0.H-00-.-.дpАЂм .ь2 м –Йqit to the target drive. DRIVE_00 can be the last drive to be configured. If you want to re-use DRIVE_00 as a scratchpad it is a good idea to store its00--0-0.-<6<0*44--0/-0,-*0.-00--0000-0.00H-0/-0*,<6<0*44-*-)---00,0)-00/00-,0*0-*.дpАЂA.б2 A„Йqown values in a temporary recipe first, or refrain from saving on DRIVE_00 and turn it off and on again to restore its own settings.0H0.-0-*0--H00-.--0-*0--00H*-.0000<6<0*44-00000-000/-0-00-*0-*0H0)-00).дpАЂ .ё2 ™ЙqThere is a useful diagnostic button called ‘Linkscan’ that shows all the active drives on a link, and provides a total list for each drive on one screen.40--*-0)-00,000*,000/---/-0,*--/0-*00H*-0-,-.-0.-*0/-0--0000.0-*-0-*0--,00.-000/-*-,-0.дpАЂ-*-,-0.XžАЂ ћ -™'ЧШšј€  ~ ] сopMмн#$Оќњњњњќњњњњњќњњњњњњњњњњ@&™'ЧШšј€  ~ ] сopMмн#$Оўћїѓў№ьшфрўнйебЭЩХСНЙьѓџџ эѓџџ 3іџџ 4іџџ Уіџџ  љџџ Ёљџџ /њџџ Гћџџ ’џџџД§џџ Fўџџ Юўџџ ,џџџ Џџџџ9§џџ gџџџ юџџџ1 00P P &P 0АШA Аƒ.!А "А # $Ф%Аџџ CDrawButtonрBtn_3р\™ОРРР Backр.