1 Introduction. The host program is an unsupported routine used for serial link testing within SSD. It is not necessarily robust enough to be given to customers. Any bugs found should be reported to Alan Craven at SSD UK who may find time to repair them. It allows serial communication between an IBM PC or compatible and the 570 range of products in ASCII format only. The protocol supported is the EI bisynch ASCII protocol as described in the EI bisynch communications handbook. It uses COM1 and the default settings are 9600 baud, even parity, 7 data bits and 1 stop bit. The host program has a set of commands that are recognised as described below. NOTE. The HOST program is case sensitive. 2 Commands. 2.1 BAUD Allows selection of the baud rate of the serial link. The following baud rates are supported :- 110,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600. Example. Host>BAUD Input required baud rate >2400 Host> This will set the baud rate to 2400. 2.2 FAST Allows a sequence of commands to be sent to a single drive and after the first message all subsequent messages will not be prefixed by the GID and UID of the unit. It is identical in use to the SEQ command except that the # command cannot be used. 2.3 HELP This command dispays two help screens. 2.4 LIST This allows a file to be opened into which all serial messages are recorded in a printable format. Example. Host>LIST Input filename>FILENAME.TXT Host> This will then record all future serial messages into the file FILENAME.TXT. 2.5 LOAD This allows a sequence of commands to be loaded into memory for execution by the FAST or SEQ commands. Example. Host>LOAD Input filename >COMMS.DAT Host> This will load a sequence of commands from the file COMMS.DAT into memory. 2.6 NOLIST This closes the file opened by the LIST command. 2.7 REP This allows a single command to be repeated a number of times. Example. Host>REP rephost>SS50.0 rephost - input repeat number >100 Host> This causes the command SS50.0 to be sent 100 times to the current unit. The repeat number can be any number up to and including 999999. 2.8 SAVE This is the oposite of load and saves a sequence of commands from memory into a specified file. Example. Host>SAVE Input filename >COMMS.DAT Host> This saves the current command sequence into the file COMMS.DAT. 2.9 SEQ This is the command that allows a sequence of commands to be operated a number of times. Example. Host>SEQ Is sequence loaded ? [y/n]>N input sequence >SS50.0 input sequence >WAIT 4 input sequence >SS0.0 input sequence >WAIT 4 input sequence >END seqhost - input repeat number >10 Host> This will cause the sequence of four commands to be repeated 10 times. The sequence of commands is now loaded into memory and may be re-executed by using the SEQ command and answering Y to the first question or they may be saved using the SAVE command. This command can be used to execute a sequence loaded into memory using the LOAD command. 2.10 SYS This allows a dos command to be executed without leaving the host program. Example. Host>SYS Input command >dir Host> This will display a listing of the current directory. 2.11 WAIT This is a command that simply pauses for a number of seconds. It is useful in sequences to allow time for a command to finish. Example. Host>WAIT 10 Host> This will wait for 10 seconds and then continue. The maximum time allowed is 999999 seconds. 2.12 # This repeats the last serial message sent to the current unit. 2.13 * This changes the address of the current unit. Example. Host>*27 Host> This changes the current unit address to 27. 2.14 Setting parameter values. To set the SS parameter to 25.9 use the following command. Host>SS25.9 Host> 2.15 Enquire parameter value. To find out what parameter SS is set to. Host>?SS SS25.9 Host> 2.16 ACK This command sends a single ASCII ACK character 06 to the current unit. NOTE. This command cannot be used within a sequence. 2.17 NAK This command sends a single ASCII NAK character 15 Hex to the current unit. NOTE. This command cannot be used within a sequence.