WHAT'S NEW WITH CONFIGED LITE 5.08 ? =================================== * Supports the 690+ drive with Version 4.x firmware drive and its Macros. I. INSTALLING CONFIGED LITE ======================== This program disk contains an installation program (SETUP.EXE) which runs on Windows95/98 and Windows NT 4.x This program installs ConfigEd Lite and its support files. To run SETUP.EXE 1. Load Windows. 2. Make sure that you are not running any screen saver or other background program(s) that may interfere with the installation. An 'anti-virus program' operating in the background may cause problems. 3. Choose the RUN command in the START menu (FILE menu for Windows 3.1) and type: a:\SETUP.EXE II. ConfigEd Lite TEMPLATE Files ============================ ConfigEd Lite contains several default template files. The following list describes each template: default4.690 = 690+ AC drive with Version 4 firmware drive Macro2_4.690 = Raise/Lower macro for the 690+ firmware Version 4 drive Macro3_4.690 = PID macro for the 690+ firmware Version 4 drive Macro4_4.690 = Speed Program Winder (SPW) macro for the 690+ firmware V 4 drive Macro5_4.690 = Preset Speeds macro for the 690+ firmware Version 4 drive Macro6_4.690 = System Drive macro for the 690+ firmware Version 4 drive Macro7_4.690 = Phase/Register macro for the 690+ firmware version 4 drive default3.690 = 690+ AC drive with Version 3 firmware drive Macro2_3.690 = Raise/Lower macro for the 690+ firmware Version 3 drive Macro3_3.690 = PID macro for the 690+ firmware Version 3 drive Macro4_3.690 = Speed Program Winder (SPW) macro for the 690+ firmware V 3 drive Macro5_3.690 = Preset Speeds macro for the 690+ firmware Version 3 drive Macro6_3.690 = System Drive macro for the 690+ firmware Version 3 drive default2.690 = 690+ AC drive with Version 2 firmware drive Macro2_2.690 = Raise/Lower macro for the 690+ firmware Version 2 drive Macro3_2.690 = PID macro for the 690+ firmware Version 2 drive Macro4_2.690 = Speed Program Winder (SPW) macro for the 690+ firmware V 2 drive Macro5_2.690 = Preset Speeds macro for the 690+ firmware Version 2 drive Macro6_2.690 = System Drive macro for the 690+ firmware Version 2 drive default1.690 = 690+ AC drive with Version 1 firmware drive Macro2.690 = Raise/Lower macro for the 690+ firmware Version 1 drive Macro3.690 = PID macro for the 690+ firmware Version 1 drive Macro4.690 = Speed Program Winder (SPW) macro for the 690+ firmware V 1 drive Macro5.690 = Preset Speeds macro for the 690+ firmware Version 1 drive default5.590 = 590+ DC drive with Version 5 firmware default4.590 = 590D DC drive with Version 4 firmware default3.590 = 590D DC drive with Version 3 firmware default1.SPD = 590SPD single phase DC drive with Version 1 firmware default1.605 = 605 AC drive with Version 1 firmware default2.605 = 605 drive with Version 2 firmware default4.605 = 605 drive with Version 4 firmware default5.6AB = 605 drive with Version 5 firmware for frames A & B default5.6CF = 605 drive with Version 5 firmware for frames C through F default3.5SV = 584SV AC drive with Version 3 firmware default4.5SV = 584SV drive with Version 4 firmware default5.5SV = 584SV drive with Version 5 firmware default4.620 = 620S/COM AC drive with Version 4.0 to 4.7 firmware def_4_8.620 = 620S/COM drive with Version 4.8 or greater def_4_10.620 = 620S/COM drive with Version 4.10 or greater default4.584 = 584S AC drive with Version 4 firmware default5.584 = 584S drive with Version 5 firmware default6.584 = 584S drive with Version 6 firmware You must choose the template that matches the drive firmware version. Configurations based on old templates may be installed into a newer version of drive firmware, for all of the Eurotherm drives,except the 584S drive. EXAMPLE: A 590 Version 4 firmware configuration can be installed into a 590+ Version 5 firmware drive. The same holds true for installing a 690+ Version 1 into version 2,3 and 4. Configurations are not compatible across firmware versions for the 584S drive.(must be manually recreated when changing drive firmware). EXAMPLE: A 584S Version 5 template cannot be installed into a 584S Version 6 drive. III. SETTING UP THE DRIVE ==================== Connect one of the computer's serial communication ports to the drive's P3 PORT or "Operator Station Key Pad" by using the UDP cable assembly (Part Number CM351909). IMPORTANT: The COMMAND|COMMS|BAUD RATE settings in ConfigEd Lite MUST match the drive's baud rate setting. FOR THE 690+ AC DRIVE: --------------------- The "Operator Station Key Pad" baud rate on the 690+ drive is fixed at 19200 baud and cannot be changed. Accordingly, ConfigEd Lite's baud rate must be set at 19200 baud. Remove the "OP Station Key Pad" and plug the UDP cable into the "OP Station" port. FOR THE 590+ DC DRIVE: --------------------- The 590+ Drive is already set up to communicate with CELite at a baud rate of 9600 via the P3 port. To set up the 590+ use the setup procedure: FOR THE 590D/590SPD DRIVE, listed below. FOR THE 590D/590SPD DC DRIVE: ---------------------------- 1. In the MMI keypad, set the P3 MODE to IPS ASCII.The menu location is as follows: SERIAL LINKS ..SYSTEM PORT (P3) ....P3 SETUP ......MODE ........IPS ASCII 2. In the MMI keypad, set the P3 baud rate to 19200 baud. The menu location is as follows: SERIAL LINKS ..SYSTEM PORT (P3) ....P3 SETUP ......P3 BAUD RATE ........19200 NOTE: If the 590 drive and ConfigEd Lite are at different baud rates when you initially try to communicate, the drive's communication port can "lockup". To correct this problem, simply toggle the baud rate to any other setting and then select the desired baud rate. This action resets the port. FOR THE 620S/620COM AC DRIVE: ----------------------------- 1. In the MMI keypad, set the P3 MODE to EI ASCII. The menu location is as follows: SERIAL LINKS ..PORT P3 ....P3 MODE ......EI ASCII 2. In the MMI keypad, set the P3 baud rate to 19200 baud. The menu location is as follows: SERIAL LINKS ..PORT P3 ....P3 BAUD RATE ......19200 FOR THE 605 AC DRIVE: -------------------- The baud rate on the 605 is fixed at 19200 baud and cannot be changed. Accordingly, ConfigEd Lite's baud rate must be set at 19200 baud. FOR THE 584SV AC DRIVE: ---------------------- The baud rate on the 584SV drive is fixed at 19200 baud and cannot be changed. Accordingly, ConfigEd Lite's baud rate must be set at 19200 baud. NOTE: The 5841 Operator Station (keypad) must be disconnected at the programming port on the drive. FOR THE 584S AC DRIVE: --------------------- 1. In the MMI keypad, set the P3 baud rate to 19200 baud. The menu location is as follows: SERIAL LINKS ..AUX PORT (P3) ....PROTOCOL ......EI ASCII 2. In the MMI keypad, set the P3 baud rate to 19200 baud. The menu location is as follows: SERIAL LINKS ..AUX PORT (P3) ....BAUD RATE ......19200 If communication problems occur on drives which have a configurable baud rate, the baud rate may be reduced to make the comms link more reliable. Drives which support varying baud rates include: 590D, 590SPD, 584S, 620S, and 620COM. Of course, the baud rates of ConfigEd Lite and the drive must still match for proper operation. IV. USING CONFIGED LITE =================== Listed below is a brief description of some of the ConfigEd Lite menus (refer to the ConfigEd Lite User Manual (RG352747) for details): FILE Menu: ---------- NEW: Used to create a new drive configuration from a default template for the applicable product. OPEN: Used to open an existing drive configuration. DOCUMENT: Creates a listing of all parameters and settings for the selected configuration. This listing is similar to the MMI dump supported by some drive products. PAGE SETUP: Set printer options (should be set to landscape mode for templates). COMMAND Menu: ------------- INSTALL: Installs the currently selected configuration (active window) to the connected drive (through the UDP cable connected to P3 port of drive). GET INFO: Obtains information from the currently connected drive including the product description, firmware version, and status. The information returned from the drive is printed to the Scratchpad window. UPDATE: Retrieves the drive's configuration and settings and updates the selected configuration. COMMS: Configures the COM port and baud rate to be used by the ConfigEd Lite software. The baud rate MUST match the setting of the connected drive product.