PRIM Value/Test negative ?n PRIM Value/Subtract vs PRIM Value/Scale sc PRIM Value/Negate ne PRIM Value/Multiply vm PRIM Value/Minimum mn PRIM Value/Maximum mx PRIM Value/Get resolution gs PRIM Value/Fraction fr PRIM Value/Divide dv PRIM Value/Difference vd PRIM Value/Compare vc PRIM Value/Clamp low cl PRIM Value/Clamp high ch PRIM Value/Add va PRIM Value/Absolute ab PRIM Timer/Timebase tb PRIM Timer/Subtract td PRIM Timer/Set PAT ts PRIM Timer/Post realtime event pr PRIM Timer/Post event tr PRIM Timer/Multiply tm PRIM Timer/Get PAT gp PRIM Timer/Compare tc PRIM Timer/Add ta PRIM Tags/Test primitive ?m PRIM Tags/Test literal ?l PRIM Tags/Test delegate ?d PRIM Tags/Test complex ?c PRIM Tags/Test call ?o PRIM Tags/Set primitive sm PRIM Tags/Set literal sl PRIM Tags/Set delegate sd PRIM Tags/Set call so PRIM Tags/Copy tags ct PRIM Stack/Xswap xs PRIM Stack/Xover xo PRIM Stack/Xdup xu PRIM Stack/Xdrop xd PRIM Stack/Switch wi PRIM Stack/Swap sw PRIM Stack/Second to aux sx PRIM Stack/Rotate up ru PRIM Stack/Rotate down rd PRIM Stack/Push from aux fx PRIM Stack/Pop to aux tx PRIM Stack/Over ov PRIM Stack/Duplicate du PRIM Stack/Dup to aux dt PRIM Stack/Dup from aux df PRIM Stack/Dup down dd PRIM Stack/Drop dr PRIM Stack/Drop from aux dx PRIM Stack/Aux swap as PRIM Stack/Aux rotate up au PRIM Stack/Aux rotate down ad PRIM S_tree/Test singleton ?g PRIM S_tree/Test for s_tree ?s PRIM S_tree/Test for entry ?y PRIM S_tree/Test and read ?r PRIM S_tree/S_tree to item si PRIM S_tree/Replace rp PRIM S_tree/Read re PRIM S_tree/Put pu PRIM S_tree/Item to s_tree is PRIM S_tree/Get next gc PRIM S_tree/Get exact gx PRIM S_tree/Entry to stack es PRIM Ordinal/Xor xr PRIM Ordinal/Test zero ?z PRIM Ordinal/Test equal ?e PRIM Ordinal/Subtract os PRIM Ordinal/Right rt PRIM Ordinal/Reverse compare rc PRIM Ordinal/Not nt PRIM Ordinal/Left lf PRIM Ordinal/Ior or PRIM Ordinal/Increment ic PRIM Ordinal/Get maximum gm PRIM Ordinal/Do logic dl PRIM Ordinal/Difference od PRIM Ordinal/Decrement dc PRIM Ordinal/Compare oc PRIM Ordinal/And an PRIM Ordinal/Add oa PRIM Misc/Value to ordinal vt PRIM Misc/Set background sb PRIM Misc/Send nd PRIM Misc/Send to slot sn PRIM Misc/Send fast fs PRIM Misc/Send entry se PRIM Misc/RTN out ro PRIM Misc/Replace handler rh PRIM Misc/Random rn PRIM Misc/Post event pe PRIM Misc/Output ou PRIM Misc/Ordinal to value ot PRIM Misc/Name of node nn PRIM Misc/Invoke handler ih PRIM Misc/Input in PRIM Misc/Idle id PRIM Misc/Get RTN state gr PRIM Misc/Free memory fm PRIM Misc/Execute xx PRIM Misc/Debug db PRIM Misc/Abort event ae PRIM List/Test for leaf ?f PRIM List/Test for branch ?b PRIM List/Stack to list tl PRIM List/Splice sp PRIM List/Replace lp PRIM List/Remove lr PRIM List/Read lg PRIM List/List to stack ls PRIM List/List to item li PRIM List/Item to list il PRIM List/Behead bh PRIM List/Add la PRIM Heap/Test existence ?x PRIM Heap/Store self ss PRIM Heap/Set self sf PRIM Heap/Name of self ns PRIM Heap/Get next gn PRIM Heap/Delegate to self ds