CLAS 354039 30 OpStn/SuperAnnun CLAS 354137 31 OpStn/SuperOpStn CLAS 354038 41 OpStn/PM Pot CLAS 354040 40 OpStn/SuperPM CLAS 350842 39 OpStn/Pot & Meter CLAS 350840 38 OpStn/Meter CLAS 354009 16 Hierarchy/Meta-Class CLAS 354008 15 Hierarchy/Object CLAS 350763 42 OpStn/Button Band CLAS 354103 37 OpStn/Ordinal Meter CLAS 350766 33 OpStn/Button CLAS 350765 29 OpStn/Annunciator CLAS 350762 19 OpStn/Display Handler CLAS 354157 17 Utility/System Control CLAS 354044 14 Utility/SAM GSYM Misc/SAM 1 14 ICAL System 2 17 ICAL Display 18 19 ICAL Status 3 29 ICAL TL 32 33 ICAL TM 4 33 ICAL TT 34 33 ICAL TR 5 33 ICAL ML 6 33 ICAL MM 7 33 ICAL MR 8 33 ICAL BL 9 33 ICAL BM 10 33 ICAL BR 11 33 ICAL MT 35 33 ICAL BT 36 33 ICAL Total 12 37 ICAL Won 13 37 ICAL Top 26 42 ICAL Middle 27 42 ICAL Bottom 28 42 CALL 354125 29 Logic/Logic Send CALL 354157/F-stop 35 CALL 354157/F-go 34 CALL 354157/Restart? 42 CALL 354157/N-warn 41 CALL 354157/N-fail 39 CALL 354157/N-ok 40 CALL 354157/Fail 36 CALL 354094 27 Misc/Broadcast Exception CALL 354157/error 44 CALL 354076 19 Parameter/Method 4 Get CALL 354157/next 46 CALL 354157/LogIt 38 CALL 354157/IncrIt 37 CALL 354157/local 45 CALL 354157/debug? 43 CALL 350762/get 0 CALL 350762/touch 1 CALL 354089 22 ~owned/OpStn make v_ref CALL 354039/send 11 CALL 354090 23 Logic/Logic send outputs CALL 354057 15 Connectors/Self timer CALL 354137/s&rq 31 CALL 354137/set 32 CALL 354137/state 33 CALL 354040/touch 13 CALL 354040/button? 12 CALL 354086 20 Parameter/Method Get CALL 354092 25 ~owned/Rates CALL 354038/highlight 6 CALL 354038/Push 3 CALL 354038/lowlight 7 CALL 354038/change 5 CALL 354038/Unpush 4 CALL 354038/newSP 8 CALL 354038/newlight 9 CALL 354038/speedup 10 CALL 354136 30 ~owned/OpStn draw string CALL 354099 28 ~owned/OpStn highlight CALL 354093 26 ~owned/OpStn get v_ref CALL 354091 24 ~owned/OpStn PM init CALL 354056 14 Connectors/Respond withData CALL 354059 16 Connectors/Send Notify CALL 354060 17 Connectors/Send Update CALL 350763/get 2 CALL 354088 21 ~owned/OpStn invoke init CALL 354071 18 Misc/Startup Init MSGT Conns/Notify[ignore] 1 MSGT Conns/Update[ignore] 4 MSGT Conns/Update[attach] 7 MSGT Conns/Interrogate[ignore] 3 MSGT Conns/Exchange[ignore] 12 MSGT Conns/Exchange[attach] 13 MSGT Conns/Slot[ignore] 16 MSGT Conns/Slot[attach] 15 LITO Handler/Exception 2 LITO Handler/Initialization 1 LITO Messages/Exchange 4 LITO Messages/Interrogate 2 LITO Messages/Notify 1 LITO Messages/Update 3 LITO Misc/Class Reference 0 LITO Misc/Exception 0 LITO Misc/Hierarchy 1 LITO Misc/SAM 1 LITO Misc/Superclass Reference 0 LITO OS error/Invalid RTN type 61159 LITO OS error/Unexpected Data 61158 LITO OS error/Invalid connector type 61157 LITO OS error/invalid instance structure 61160 LITO OS error/Invalid message type 61156 LITO OS error/Invalid method for state 61155 LITO OS error/Invalid state 61154 LITO OS error/Method not found 61153 LITO Output/#1 16 LITO Output/#2 17 LITO Output/#3 18 LITO Output/#4 19 LITO Output/#5 20 LITO Output/#6 21 LITO Output/#7 22 LITO Output/#8 23 LITO Output/#9 24 LITO Output/#10 25 LITO Output/#11 26 LITO Output/#12 27 LITO Output/#13 28 LITO Output/#14 29 LITO Output/#15 30 LITO Output/#16 31 LITO Output/#17 32 LITO Output/#18 33 LITO Output/#19 34 LITO Output/#20 35 LITO Output/#21 36 LITO Output/#22 37 LITO Output/#23 38 LITO Output/#24 39 LITO Output/#25 40 ASIO OpStn/DRAW_TEXT 161 ASIO OpStn/GET_TOUCH 164 ASIO OpStn/HIGHLIGHT 159 ASIO OpStn/INIT_FONT 65535 ASIO OpStn/INIT_TOUCH 162 ASIO OpStn/INIT_VID 155 ASIO OpStn/INIT_VIDOBJ 156 ASIO OpStn/INSTALL_STRING 153 ASIO OpStn/LOWLIGHT 160 ASIO OpStn/READ_SCREEN 150 ASIO OpStn/SCREEN_SPRITE 163 ASIO OpStn/SPRT_NORM_VAL 158 ASIO OpStn/VID_DISABLE 152 ASIO OpStn/VID_ENABLE 151 ASIO OpStn/WRITE_STRING 65535 ASIO OpStn/WRITE_PM 65535 ASIO OpStn/WRITE_TEXT 157 ASIO OpStn/WRITE_VAL 154 ASIO Patch/Do logic 4110 ASIO OpStn/SET_N 166 ASIO OpStn/SET_M 165 ASIO Analog/CALC_RATE 136 ASIO Analog/DO_PID15 138 ASIO Analog/INIT_PID15 137 ASIO CX/Make List 145 ASIO CX/Get SNum 10 ASIO CX/Send Message 141 ASIO CX/Init RTNID 139 ASIO CX/Init Finger 144 ASIO Misc/Get Address Matches 143 ASIO Misc/Get CRC Errors 142 ASIO Misc/Get FrgsAndOvruns 140 ASIO Misc/Init Done 6 ASIO Ordinal/Bytes To Ord 7 ASIO Ordinal/Mod Add 12 ASIO Ordinal/Ord To Bytes 8 LITO Utility/Filter 23 LITO Utility/Get State 29 LITO Utility/Get Fragments 26 LITO Utility/Get Overruns 28 LITO Utility/Get CRC Errors 25 LITO Utility/Get Address Matches 24 LITO Utility/Debug 21 LITO Utility/Get Next 27 LITO OpStn/Touch mode 19 LITO OpStn/Trigger 20 LITO OpStn/Become Pot 6 LITO OpStn/Show MV 15 LITO OpStn/Become Meter 5 LITO OpStn/Show SP 16 LITO OpStn/Button 7 LITO OpStn/Get Setpoint 9 LITO OpStn/Setpoint 14 LITO OpStn/Get Measured Value 8 LITO Hierarchy/Remove Conn 4 LITO Hierarchy/Attach Conn 3 LITO General/Initialize 2 LITO OpStn/Touch Release 17 LITO OpStn/Touch Screen 18 LITO OpStn/Init 11 LITO Utility/Trigger 30 LITO OpStn/Highlight 10 LITO OpStn/Measured Value 13 LITO OpStn/Legend 12 LITO Utility/Event 22