Aggregates/Create Instances * 354122.002 14 ED7CE4EA Aggregates/Delegate * 354124.001 14 ED7CE4EA Aggregates/Name Instances * 354123.001 14 ED7CE4EA Aggregates/Patch Connectors * 354121.001 14 ED7CE4EA Connectors/Respond noData 354055.001 2 ED7CE4EA Connectors/Respond withData 354056.001 2 ED7CE4EA Connectors/Self timer 354057.001 2 ED7CE4EA Connectors/Send noData * 354058.001 14 ED7CE4EA Connectors/Send Notify 354059.001 2 ED7CE4EA Connectors/Send Update 354060.001 2 ED7CE4EA Connectors/~Send noData * 354062.001 14 ED7CE4EA FSM/Get 354063.001 2 ED7CE4EA FSM/Output 354064.001 2 ED7CE4EA FSM/Set 354065.001 2 ED7CE4EA Logic/Edge detect 354236.001 2 ED7CE4EA Logic/Logic Send 354125.001 2 ED7CE4EA Logic/Logic send outputs 354090.002 2 ED7CE4EA Logic/Propogate 354251.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Broadcast Exception 354094.002 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Clamp magnitude 354066.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Exponential 354240.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Graft 354107.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Length of List 354373.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Ordinal Limiter 354234.003 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Parm 2 Set 354126.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Reduce toward zero 354244.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Sign 354104.002 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Startup Init 354071.001 2 ED7CE4EA Misc/Value Test Equal 354365.002 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 10 Get 354131.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 10 Set 354133.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 11 Get 354134.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 12 Get 354141.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 13 Get 354144.002 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 13 Set 354145.002 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 14 Get 354149.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 14 Set 354150.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 15 Get 354140.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 15 Set 354146.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 2 Get 354072.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 2 Set 354073.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 3 Get 354074.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 3 Set 354075.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 4 Get 354076.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 4 Set 354077.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 5 Get 354078.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 5 Set 354079.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 6 Get 354080.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 6 Set 354081.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 7 Get 354082.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 7 Set 354083.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 8 Get 354084.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 8 Set 354085.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 9 Get 354130.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method 9 Set 354132.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method Get 354086.001 2 ED7CE4EA Parameter/Method Set 354087.001 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Aux rotate down 354181.001 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Aux rotate up 354182.001 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Aux swap 354165.002 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Delegate to self 354067.002 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Do logic 354199.001 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Entry to stack 354148.003 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/List to stack 354068.002 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Ordinal to value 354186.002 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Send 354023.002 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Send entry 354024.001 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Send fast 354061.001 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Stack to list 354183.002 2 ED7CE4EA Patch/Value to ordinal 354184.002 2 ED7CE4EA SignalP/Input 354113.001 2 ED7CE4EA SignalP/Output 354114.001 2 ED7CE4EA SignalP/Ramp Send 354281.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Get 354287.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Initialize 354305.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Receiver 354308.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Start Absolute 354306.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Start Delta 354285.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Stop 354286.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/Test Equal 354311.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/_send 354310.001 2 ED7CE4EA Timer/_start 354307.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/EIBisync BinMas ini 354336.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/Get Mask 354318.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/Jog 354105.002 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/OpStn draw string 354136.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/OpStn get v_ref 354093.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/OpStn highlight 354099.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/OpStn invoke init 354088.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/OpStn make v_ref 354089.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/OpStn PM init 354091.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/Ramp 354070.002 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/Rates 354092.001 2 ED7CE4EA ~owned/Serial CommsInit 354323.001 2 ED7CE4EA