STRE Prototype SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354642 ESBR SORD 2 LVAL 0 minimum LVAL 0 maximum LVAL 0 input ESBR SORD 3 LITO 0 Reset ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+;Maximum Output ESBR SGLB Output/#2 LCON /*+;Minimum Output ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 ESBR SGLB SignalP/Input /3v7,-100,100;Enter data (-100% to 100%) CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/arg ¥ inst/É LITO 2 É/arg ¥ 2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Get exact É/arg ¥ list/2/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É/arg ¥ input/max/min/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Drop É/arg ¥ max/min/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/arg ¥ arg/max/min/2/inst/É PRIM Value/Maximum É/arg ¥ max'/min/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É/arg ¥ min/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/arg ¥ arg/min/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Value/Minimum É/arg ¥ min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ arg/min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM List/Item to list É ¥ list/min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Xover É ¥ max'/list/min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM List/Splice É ¥ list'/min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Over É ¥ min'/list'/min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM List/Splice É ¥ list''/min'/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/min' ¥ list''/max'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/min'/max' ¥ list''/2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put É/min'/max' ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É/min' ¥ max'/inst/É GSYM Output/#1 É/min' ¥ #1/max'/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É/min' ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ min'/inst/É GSYM Output/#2 É ¥ #2/min'/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB SignalP/Get Input /2v6,-100,100;%3.2f%% LITO 3 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB SignalP/Get Minimum /2v6,-100,100;%3.2f%% LITO 1 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB SignalP/Get Maximum /2v6,-100,100;%3.2f%% LITO 2 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB SignalP/Reset /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LITO 1 É ¥ 1/inst/arg/É LITO 3 É ¥ 3/1/inst/arg/É CALL 354236 É ¥ rslt/inst/É BRFL PRIM Heap/Store self BRTR LITO 2 É ¥ 2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Get exact É ¥ list/2/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É ¥ input/max/min/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Xdrop É ¥ input/min/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Xdrop É ¥ input/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup to aux É/input ¥ input/2/inst/É PRIM List/Item to list É/input ¥ list/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/input ¥ input/list/2/inst/É PRIM List/Splice É/input ¥ list'/2/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/input ¥ input/list'/2/inst/É PRIM List/Splice É/input ¥ list''/2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put É/input ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/input ¥ input/inst/É GSYM Output/#1 É/input ¥ #1/input/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É/input ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ input/inst/É GSYM Output/#2 É ¥ #2/input/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB SignalP/Get Reset /2t4,false,true LITO 1 CALL 354074 ESBR ESTR