STRE Prototype SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354633 L5331 Digital 24VDC ESBR SORD 2 LITO 4 L5331 board type LITO 2 /e,,Site J1 (Leftmost),Site J2,Site J3,Site J4 (Rightmost);L5331 Digital 24VDC CX Finger BLOB /:353960 ESBR SORD 3 /e,,,,Direct Inputs;Setup Parameters LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 1 filter (ms) LITO 16 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 2 filter (ms) LITO 272 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 3 filter (ms) LITO 528 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 4 filter (ms) LITO 784 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 5 filter (ms) LITO 1040 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 6 filter (ms) LITO 1296 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 7 filter (ms) LITO 1552 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 8 filter (ms) LITO 1808 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 9 filter (ms) LITO 2064 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 10 filter (ms) LITO 2320 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 11 filter (ms) LITO 2576 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 12 filter (ms) LITO 2832 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 13 filter (ms) LITO 3088 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 14 filter (ms) LITO 3344 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 15 filter (ms) LITO 3600 ;ID$id:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 100 /o,0,255;Input 16 filter (ms) LITO 3856 ;ID$F:Init bit $10 LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd word : 3 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST LIST LITO 0 /e,When stable (filtered),On sampler (interpolated),On sampler (simple);Input ordinal trigger LITO 200 /o,0,30000;Input ordinal period (ms) LITO 4112 ;ID$10:Init $10 LITO 1027 ;$0403 cmd word : 4 words GSYM CX/Trigger ELST ESBR SORD 4 /e,,,,,Direction Sense;Setup Parameters LITO 0 /e,Quadrature (T1 & T2),External (T2),Fixed (FWD);Source LITO 0 /t,Disabled,Enabled;Dir Negate LITO 4368 ;id /N ($11):init ($10) LITO 771 ;$0303 cmd words : 4 words ESBR SORD 5 /e,,,,,,Counter;Setup Parameters DLIT 8388607 /o,1,8388607;/N Divisor DLIT 0 /o,0,16777215;Count Preset DLIT 0 /o,0,16777215;C1 (Count compare) DLIT 0 /o,0,16777215;C2 (Count compare) LITO 4624 ;id /N ($12):init ($10) LITO 2563 ;$0A03 cmd word : 10 words GSYM CX/Trigger ESBR SORD 6 /e,,,,,,,Frequency Input;Setup Parameters LITO 250 /o,0,30000;Update Period (ms) LITO 250 /o,1,60000;Cycles/Sample for Full Scale LITO 250 /o,1,60000;Sample Period (ms) LITO 4880 ;id freq. ($13):init ($10) LITO 1283 ;$0503 cmd word : 5 words GSYM CX/Trigger ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+0,0,144,0,INPUT 1;Input 1 ESBR SGLB Output/#2 LCON /*+;Input 2 ESBR SGLB Output/#3 LCON /*+;Input 3 ESBR SGLB Output/#4 LCON /*+;Input 4 ESBR SGLB Output/#5 LCON /*+;Input 5 ESBR SGLB Output/#6 LCON /*+;Input 6 ESBR SGLB Output/#7 LCON /*+;Input 7 ESBR SGLB Output/#8 LCON /*+;Input 8 ESBR SGLB Output/#9 LCON /*+;Input 9 ESBR SGLB Output/#10 LCON /*+;Input 10 ESBR SGLB Output/#11 LCON /*+;Input 11 ESBR SGLB Output/#12 LCON /*+;Input 12 ESBR SGLB Output/#13 LCON /*+;Input 13 ESBR SGLB Output/#14 LCON /*+;Input 14 ESBR SGLB Output/#15 LCON /*+;Input 15 ESBR SGLB Output/#16 LCON /*+;Input 16 ESBR SGLB Output/#17 LCON /*+;Input Ordinal ESBR SGLB Output/#18 LCON /*+;Input Freq ESBR SGLB Output/#21 LCON /*+;Dir Fwd ESBR SGLB Output/#22 LCON /*+;Count (L) ESBR SGLB Output/#23 LCON /*+;Count (H) ESBR SGLB Output/#24 LCON /*+;Count > C1 ESBR SGLB Output/#25 LCON /*+;Count > C2 ESBR SGLB Output/#19 LCON /*+;Pulse Dir Fwd ESBR SGLB Output/#20 LCON /*+;/N Pulse ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354710 SuperSmartFinger ESBR SGLB General/Initialize for internal class use only CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Entry to stack É ¥ block/site/L5331 type/inst/É ASIO CX/Init Finger É ¥ inst/É CMNT post message to initialize our inputs. runs after object inits are done. PRIM Heap/Name of self GSYM CX/Post Init CALL 354059 É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É ESBR SGLB CX/Post Init for internal class use only CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É LITO 3 PRIM S_tree/Get exact PRIM Stack/Xdrop É ¥ in_settings/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/in_settings ¥ inst/É LCAL Init Input Bits É ¥ inst/É CMNT Init Direction LITO 2 LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ site/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/site ¥ inst/É LITO 4 PRIM S_tree/Get exact PRIM Stack/Xdrop É/site ¥ direction settingsL/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É/site ¥ direction settingsÉ/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ site/cnt:flags/id:cmd/ret method:inst#/other settingsÉ/inst/É ASIO CX/Send Message É ¥ inst/É CMNT Init Counter LITO 2 LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ site/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/site ¥ inst/É LITO 5 PRIM S_tree/Get exact PRIM Stack/Xdrop É/site ¥ counter settingsL/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É/site ¥ counter settingsÉ/inst/É LCAL Init an Input É ¥ inst/É CMNT Init freq. input LITO 2 LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ site/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/site ¥ inst/É LITO 6 PRIM S_tree/Get exact PRIM Stack/Xdrop É/site ¥ freq settingsL/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É/site ¥ freq settingsÉ/inst/É LCAL Init an Input É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É ESBR SGLB CX/Trigger for internal class use only CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/data list/É PRIM Stack/Swap PRIM List/List to stack É ¥ value/output #/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ id/value/inst/É GSYM Output/#1 PRIM Ordinal/Add É ¥ output #/value/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 1 /3t5,False,True;Output 1 CMNT 1 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 17 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 2 /3t5,False,True;Output 2 CMNT 2 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 273 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 3 /3t5,False,True;Output 3 CMNT 3 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 529 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 4 /3t5,False,True;Output 4 CMNT 4 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 785 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 5 /3t5,False,True;Output 5 CMNT 5 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 1041 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 6 /3t5,False,True;Output 6 CMNT 6 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 1297 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 7 /3t5,False,True;Output 7 CMNT 7 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 1553 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 8 /3t5,False,True;Output 8 CMNT 8 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 1809 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 9 /3t5,False,True;Output 9 CMNT 9 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 2065 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 10 /3t5,False,True;Output 10 CMNT 10 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 2321 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 11 /3t5,False,True;Output 11 CMNT 11 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 2577 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 12 /3t5,False,True;Output 12 CMNT 12 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 2833 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 13 /3t5,False,True;Output 13 CMNT 13 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 3089 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 14 /3t5,False,True;Output 14 CMNT 14 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 3345 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 15 /3t5,False,True;Output 15 CMNT 15 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 3601 É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output 16 /3t5,False,True;Output 16 CMNT 16 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 3857 É ¥ id0F:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Output Ordinal /3u;Output Ordinal CMNT 17 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 4113 É ¥ id10:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Dir Negate /3t,Disabled,Enabled;Dir Negate CMNT 402 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 4369 É ¥ id11:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Trig & Preset /3t5,False,True;Trig & Preset CMNT 19 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 4625 É ¥ id12:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Trig /3t5,False,True;Trig CMNT 20 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 4881 É ¥ id13:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Count Preset (L) /3u;N (Low word) CMNT 21 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 5649 É ¥ id16:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Count Preset (H) /3u;N (High byte) CMNT 22 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 5905 É ¥ id17:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/C1 (L) /3u;N (Low word) CMNT 23 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 6161 É ¥ id18:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/C1 (H) /3u;N (High byte) CMNT 24 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 6417 É ¥ id19:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/C2 (L) /3u;N (Low word) CMNT 25 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 6673 É ¥ id1A:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/C2 (H) /3u;N (High byte) CMNT 26 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 6929 É ¥ id1B:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/N (L) /3u;N (Low word) CMNT 27 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 5137 É ¥ id14:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/N (H) /3u;N (High byte) CMNT 28 Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É LITO 5393 É ¥ id15:11/inst/data/É LCAL Set Output ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 1 /2t4,False,True CMNT 1 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 20 É ¥ ($0014)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 2 /2t4,False,True CMNT 2 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 276 É ¥ ($0114)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 3 /2t4,False,True CMNT 3 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 532 É ¥ ($0214)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 4 /2t4,False,True CMNT 4 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 788 É ¥ ($0314)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 5 /2t4,False,True CMNT 5 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1044 É ¥ ($0414)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 6 /2t4,False,True CMNT 6 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1300 É ¥ ($0514)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 7 /2t4,False,True CMNT 7 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1556 É ¥ ($0614)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 8 /2t4,False,True CMNT 8 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1812 É ¥ ($0714)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 9 /2t4,False,True CMNT 9 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2068 É ¥ ($0814)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 10 /2t4,False,True CMNT 10 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2324 É ¥ ($0914)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 11 /2t4,False,True CMNT 11 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2580 É ¥ ($0A14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 12 /2t4,False,True CMNT 12 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2836 É ¥ ($0B14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 13 /2t4,False,True CMNT 13 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3092 É ¥ ($0C14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 14 /2t4,False,True CMNT 14 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3348 É ¥ ($0D14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 15 /2t4,False,True CMNT 15 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3604 É ¥ ($0E14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output 16 /2t4,False,True CMNT 16 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3860 É ¥ ($0F14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output Ordinal /2u CMNT 17 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4116 É ¥ ($1014)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Dir Negate /2t,Disabled,Enabled CMNT 402 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4372 É ¥ ($1114)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Trig & Preset /2t,False,True CMNT 19 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4628 É ¥ ($1214)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Trig /2t,False,True CMNT 20 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4884 É ¥ ($1314)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Count Preset (L) /2u CMNT 21 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5652 É ¥ ($1614)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Count Preset (H) /2u CMNT 22 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5908 É ¥ ($1714)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get C1 (L) /2u CMNT 23 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 6164 É ¥ ($1814)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get C1 (H) /2u CMNT 24 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 6420 É ¥ ($1914)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get C2 (L) /2u CMNT 25 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 6676 É ¥ ($1A14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get C2 (H) /2u CMNT 26 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 6932 É ¥ ($1B14)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get N (L) /2u CMNT 27 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5140 É ¥ ($1414)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get N (H) /2u CMNT 28 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5396 É ¥ ($1514)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 1 /2t4,False,True CMNT 30 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 19 É ¥ ($0013)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 2 /2t4,False,True CMNT 31 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 275 É ¥ ($0113)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 3 /2t4,False,True CMNT 32 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 531 É ¥ ($0213)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 4 /2t4,False,True CMNT 33 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 787 É ¥ ($0313)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 5 /2t4,False,True CMNT 34 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1043 É ¥ ($0413)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 6 /2t4,False,True CMNT 35 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1299 É ¥ ($0513)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 7 /2t4,False,True CMNT 36 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1555 É ¥ ($0613)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 8 /2t4,False,True CMNT 37 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 1811 É ¥ ($0713)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 9 /2t4,False,True CMNT 38 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2067 É ¥ ($0813)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 10 /2t4,False,True CMNT 39 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2323 É ¥ ($0913)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 11 /2t4,False,True CMNT 40 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2579 É ¥ ($0A13)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 12 /2t4,False,True CMNT 41 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 2835 É ¥ ($0B13)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 13 /2t4,False,True CMNT 42 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3091 É ¥ ($0C13)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 14 /2t4,False,True CMNT 43 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3347 É ¥ ($0D13)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 15 /2t4,False,True CMNT 44 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3603 É ¥ ($0E13)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input 16 /2t4,False,True CMNT 45 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 3859 É ¥ ($0F13)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input Ordinal /2u CMNT 46 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4115 É ¥ ($1013)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Input Freq /2v6,-100,100;%.2f%% CMNT 47 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4371 É ¥ ($1113)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Dir Fwd /2t,False,True CMNT 48 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5139 É ¥ ($1413)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Count (L) /2u CMNT 49 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5395 É ¥ ($1513)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Count (H) /2u CMNT 50 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5651 É ¥ ($1613)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Count > C1 /2t4,False,True CMNT 51 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 5907 É ¥ ($1713)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Count > C2 /2t4,False,True CMNT 52 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 6163 É ¥ ($1813)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Pulse Dir Fwd /2t,False,True CMNT 53 Expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 4627 É ¥ ($1213)chanH cmdL/inst/route/É LCAL Start SAM Get ESBR ESTR CMTL 5 graphic info CMNT 4 -18,-18,1190,2160 CMTL 3 0 CMNT 24 16,0,144,45,0,1,OUTPUT 1;Logic/Output 1 CMNT 24 16,0,216,45,0,2,OUTPUT 2;Logic/Output 2 CMNT 24 16,0,288,45,0,3,OUTPUT 3;Logic/Output 3 CMNT 24 16,0,360,45,0,4,OUTPUT 4;Logic/Output 4 CMNT 24 16,0,432,45,0,5,OUTPUT 5;Logic/Output 5 CMNT 24 16,0,504,45,0,6,OUTPUT 6;Logic/Output 6 CMNT 24 16,0,576,45,0,7,OUTPUT 7;Logic/Output 7 CMNT 24 16,0,648,45,0,8,OUTPUT 8;Logic/Output 8 CMNT 24 16,0,720,45,0,9,OUTPUT 9;Logic/Output 9 CMNT 24 16,0,792,45,0,10,OUTPUT 10;Logic/Output 10 CMNT 24 16,0,864,45,0,11,OUTPUT 11;Logic/Output 11 CMNT 24 16,0,936,45,0,12,OUTPUT 12;Logic/Output 12 CMNT 24 16,0,1008,45,0,13,OUTPUT 13;Logic/Output 13 CMNT 24 16,0,1080,45,0,14,OUTPUT 14;Logic/Output 14 CMNT 24 16,0,1152,45,0,15,OUTPUT 15;Logic/Output 15 CMNT 24 16,0,1224,45,0,16,OUTPUT 16;Logic/Output 16 CMNT 24 16,0,1296,45,0,17,OUTPUT ORDINAL;Logic/Output Ordinal CMNT 24 16,0,1368,45,4,2,DIR NEGATE;Logic/Dir Negate CMNT 24 16,0,1440,45,0,19,TRIG & PRESET;Logic/Trig & Preset CMNT 24 16,0,1512,45,0,20,TRIG;Logic/Trig CMNT 24 16,0,1584,45,0,21,COUNT PRESET (L);Logic/Count Preset (L) CMNT 24 16,0,1656,45,0,22,COUNT PRESET (H);Logic/Count Preset (H) CMNT 24 16,0,1728,45,0,23,C1 (L);Logic/C1 (L) CMNT 24 16,0,1800,45,0,24,C1 (H);Logic/C1 (H) CMNT 24 16,0,1872,45,0,25,C2 (L);Logic/C2 (L) CMNT 24 16,0,1944,45,0,26,C2 (H);Logic/C2 (H) CMNT 24 16,0,2016,45,0,27,N (L);Logic/N (L) CMNT 24 16,0,2088,45,0,28,N (H);Logic/N (H) ECMT CMTL 7 0 CMNT 22 -10,140,1,0,1,Logic/Get Output 1;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,212,1,0,2,Logic/Get Output 2;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,284,1,0,3,Logic/Get Output 3;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,356,1,0,4,Logic/Get Output 4;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,428,1,0,5,Logic/Get Output 5;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,500,1,0,6,Logic/Get Output 6;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,572,1,0,7,Logic/Get Output 7;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,644,1,0,8,Logic/Get Output 8;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,716,1,0,9,Logic/Get Output 9;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,788,1,0,10,Logic/Get Output 10;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,860,1,0,11,Logic/Get Output 11;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,932,1,0,12,Logic/Get Output 12;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1004,1,0,13,Logic/Get Output 13;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1076,1,0,14,Logic/Get Output 14;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1148,1,0,15,Logic/Get Output 15;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1220,1,0,16,Logic/Get Output 16;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1292,1,0,17,Logic/Get Output Ordinal;/u CMNT 22 -10,1364,0,4,2,Logic/Get Dir Negate;/t,D,E CMNT 22 -10,1436,1,0,19,Logic/Get Trig & Preset;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1508,1,0,20,Logic/Get Trig;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,1580,1,0,21,Logic/Get Count Preset (L);/u CMNT 22 -10,1652,1,0,22,Logic/Get Count Preset (H);/u CMNT 22 -10,1724,1,0,23,Logic/Get C1 (L);/u CMNT 22 -10,1796,1,0,24,Logic/Get C1 (H);/u CMNT 22 -10,1868,1,0,25,Logic/Get C2 (L);/u CMNT 22 -10,1940,1,0,26,Logic/Get C2 (H);/u CMNT 22 -10,2012,1,0,27,Logic/Get N (L);/u CMNT 22 -10,2084,1,0,28,Logic/Get N (H);/u CMNT 14 1182,140,1,0,30,Logic/Get Input 1;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,212,1,0,31,Logic/Get Input 2;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,284,1,0,32,Logic/Get Input 3;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,356,1,0,33,Logic/Get Input 4;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,428,1,0,34,Logic/Get Input 5;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,500,1,0,35,Logic/Get Input 6;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,572,1,0,36,Logic/Get Input 7;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,644,1,0,37,Logic/Get Input 8;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,716,1,0,38,Logic/Get Input 9;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,788,1,0,39,Logic/Get Input 10;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,860,1,0,40,Logic/Get Input 11;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,932,1,0,41,Logic/Get Input 12;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1004,1,0,42,Logic/Get Input 13;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1076,1,0,43,Logic/Get Input 14;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1148,1,0,44,Logic/Get Input 15;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1220,1,0,45,Logic/Get Input 16;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1292,1,0,46,Logic/Get Input Ordinal;/u CMNT 14 1182,1364,1,0,47,Logic/Get Input Freq;/v,-100,100;%.2f%% CMNT 14 1182,1436,1,0,48,Logic/Get Dir Fwd;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1508,1,0,49,Logic/Get Count (L);/u CMNT 14 1182,1580,1,0,50,Logic/Get Count (H);/u CMNT 14 1182,1652,1,0,51,Logic/Get Count > C1;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1724,1,0,52,Logic/Get Count > C2;/t,F,T CMNT 14 1182,1796,1,0,53,Logic/Get Pulse Dir Fwd;/t,F,T CMNT 18 586,70,0,2,2, ;/u,L5331 DIGITAL 24VDC (Site J%d) ECMT CMNT 8 0,0,1172,2142 ECMT LDEF Init Input Bits CMNT on entry É/in_settings ¥ inst/É CMNT on exit É ¥ inst/É LITO 2 LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Read É/in_settings ¥ site/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ in_settings/site/inst/É PRIM List/Test for leaf BRFL branch if not last one PRIM List/Behead É ¥ setting/in_settings'/site/inst/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/in_settings' ¥ setting/site/inst/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/in_settings'/site ¥ setting/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É/in_settings'/site ¥ settings/É/inst/É LCAL Init an Input É/in_settings' ¥ inst/É LCAL Init Input Bits BRTR PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/site ¥ settingL/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/site ¥ setting/inst/É PRIM List/List to stack É/site ¥ settings/É/inst/É LCAL Init an Input É ¥ inst/É EDEF LDEF Init an Input CMNT on entry É/site ¥ settings/É/É CMNT on exit É ¥ É PRIM Heap/Name of self PRIM Stack/Swap ASIO Ordinal/Bytes To Ord É/site ¥ ret method:inst#/cnt:flags/id:cmd/other settingsÉ PRIM Stack/Rotate up É/site ¥ cnt:flags/id:cmd/ret method:inst#/other settingsÉ PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ site/cnt:flags/id:cmd/ret method:inst#/other settingsÉ ASIO CX/Send Message É ¥ É EDEF LDEF Set Output CMNT Expects: É ¥ id:11/inst/data/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ inst/id:11/data/É LITO 2 LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ site/inst/id:11/data/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/site ¥ inst/id:11/data/É PRIM Stack/Rotate up É/site ¥ id:11/data/inst/É LITO 515 É/site ¥ cnt(2):cmd word/id:11/data/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ site/cnt(2):cmd word/id:11/data/inst/É ASIO CX/Send Message É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É EDEF LDEF Start SAM Get CMNT on entry É ¥ chanH cmdL/inst/route/É CMNT on exit É ¥ É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ inst/chanH cmdL/route/É LITO 2 LITO 2 PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ site/inst/chanH cmdL/route/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux PRIM Stack/Second to aux PRIM Stack/Swap É/site/chanH cmdL ¥ route/inst/É GSYM CX/SAM Responder PRIM Heap/Name of self É/site/chanH cmdL ¥ ret inst/ret meth/route/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É/site ¥ chanH cmdL/ret inst/ret meth/route/inst/É LITO 1027 countH flagsL -> $0403 PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ site/count_flags/chanH cmdL/ret inst/ret meth/route/inst/É CMNT The route is sent to the finger as an ordinal heap address. ASIO CX/Send Message É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É EDEF