STRE Prototype SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354514 ESBR SORD 2 sequence pointer LITO 1 sequence list pointer LITO 0 sequence list limit ESBR SORD 3 Port parameters LITO 3 {/e,5 bits,7bits,6 bits,8 bits;Data bits} LITO 0 {/e,one,two;Stop bits} LITO 2 {/e,none,odd,even;Parity} LITO 2 /e,57600,38400,19200,9600,4800,2400,1200;Baud rate LITO 0 /e,RS232,RS422;Port type LITO 1 port ref: 0=port B, 1=port A ESBR SORD 8 {/e,,,,,,,,,List;Step List} ICAL Dummy /*/O,354376,354377,354379,354535,354537;New Step ICAL Dummy /o,354376,354377,354379,354535,354537;Sequence steps ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 ESBR SGLB General/Initialize For internal class use only!!! CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É MACR initialize hardware É/channel ¥ inst/É LITO 3 É ¥ 3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Entry to stack É ¥ channel/type/baud/parity/stop/data/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup to aux É/channel ¥ channel/type/baud/parity/stop/data/inst/É ASIO SIO/init_channel É/channel ¥ inst/É EMAC MACR Initialize sequence list É ¥ inst/É LITO 8 É/channel ¥ 8/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Get exact É/channel ¥ list/8/inst/É LCAL loop É/channel ¥ list/8/inst/É PRIM Stack/Drop from aux É ¥ list/8/inst/É CALL 354373 É ¥ length/list/8/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/length ¥ list/8/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put É/length ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ length/inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/length/inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/2/length/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/É EMAC MACR post event to start cycle É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Name of self É ¥ name/inst/É GSYM EI Bisync/Ready É ¥ method/name/inst/É CALL 354059 É ¥ inst/É EMAC PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB EI Bisync/Ready For internal class use only !! CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É LCAL get pointer É ¥ pointer/inst/É LITO 8 É ¥ 8/pointer/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ ref/inst/É GSYM EI Bisync/DoIt É ¥ method/ref/inst/É CALL 354059 É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR ESTR LDEF loop CMNT Invokes the init method on all the instance in the list CMNT Input: É/arg ¥ list/É CMNT Output: É/arg ¥ list/É PRIM List/Test for leaf É/arg ¥ rslt/list/É BRFL branch if not a leaf PRIM List/Behead É/arg ¥ head/list/É LCAL SendIt É/arg ¥ head/list/É PRIM Stack/Swap É/arg ¥ list/head/É LCAL loop É/arg ¥ list/head/É PRIM List/Add É/arg ¥ list/É BRTR PRIM List/List to item É/arg ¥ ref/É LCAL SendIt É/arg ¥ ref/É PRIM List/Item to list É/arg ¥ list/É EDEF LDEF SendIt used by local instruction 'loop' CMNT Given an arg and a destination, sends the init message CMNT Input: É/arg ¥ ref/É CMNT Output: É/arg ¥ ref/É PRIM Misc/Name of node É/arg ¥ node/ref/É LIST É/arg ¥ list/node/ref/É GSYM EI Bisync/Init ELST PRIM Stack/Xover É/arg ¥ ref/list/node/ref/É PRIM List/Splice É/arg ¥ list'/node/ref/É PRIM Tags/Set delegate É/arg ¥ list'/node/ref/É PRIM List/Item to list É/arg ¥ MSGE/node/ref/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/arg ¥ arg/MSGE/node/ref/É PRIM List/Splice É/arg ¥ message/node/ref/É PRIM Misc/Post event É/arg ¥ ref/É EDEF LDEF get pointer CMNT gets the sequence pointer and updates it, rolling it over if required CMNT Input: É ¥ inst/É CMNT Output: É ¥ pointer/inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Entry to stack É ¥ limit/pointer/inst/É PRIM Ordinal/Reverse compare É ¥ rslt/limit/pointer/inst/É PRIM Stack/Xdrop É ¥ rslt/pointer/inst/É BRFL branch if limit exceeded PRIM Stack/Drop É ¥ inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/inst/É LITO 1 É ¥ 1/2/inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/1/2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/É LITO 1 É ¥ 1/inst/É BRTR PRIM Stack/Dup down É ¥ pointer/inst/pointer/É PRIM Ordinal/Increment É ¥ pointer+1/inst/pointer/É LITO 1 É ¥ 1/pointer+1/inst/pointer/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/1/pointer+1/inst/pointer/É PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/pointer/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ pointer/inst/É EDEF CMTL 5 graphic info CMNT 4 -18,-18,998,198 CMNT 3 0 CMTL 7 0 CMNT 14 750,112,0,3,4,;/e,57600,38400,19200,9600,4800,2400,1200 CMNT 14 50,112,0,3,5,;/e,RS232,RS422 ECMT CMNT 8 0,0,980,180 CMNT fancy FIFO graphic follows CMNT 8 390,30,595,110 CMNT 12 410,30,410,105 CMNT 12 430,30,430,105 CMNT 12 450,30,450,105 CMNT 12 530,30,530,105 CMNT 12 550,30,550,105 CMNT 12 570,30,570,105 CMNT Arrow CMNT 12 355,62,375,72 CMNT 12 300,72,385,72 CMNT 12 355,82,375,72 CMNT Lines CMNT 12 600,72,660,72 CMNT 12 660,72,660,144 CMNT 12 300,144,660,144 CMNT 12 300,72,300,144 ECMT