STRE Prototype SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354316 ESBR SORD 2 parameters LITO 3 /e,5 bits,7bits,6 bits,8 bits;Data bits LITO 0 /e,one,two;Stop bits LITO 0 /e,none,odd,even;Parity LITO 3 /e,57600,38400,19200,9600,4800,2400,1200;Baud rate LITO 0 /e,RS232,RS422;Type LITO 0 /e,channel B,channel A;Select channel ESBR SORD 3 STRG A /o;Output string ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB General/Initialize CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Entry to stack É ¥ channel/type/baud/parity/stop/data/inst/É ASIO SIO/init_channel É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 ESBR SGLB Utility/Trigger /1 CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É LITO 6 É ¥ 6/inst/É LITO 2 É ¥ 2/6/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ channel/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/channel ¥ inst/É LITO 0 É/channel ¥ 0/inst/É LITO 3 É/channel ¥ 3/0/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É/channel ¥ string/inst/É LCAL OutStr É/channel ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Drop from aux É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR ESTR LDEF OutStr CMNT Breaks a string up into characters and sends them CMNT Input: É/channel ¥ string/É CMNT Output: É/channel ¥ É PRIM List/Test for leaf É/channel ¥ rslt/string/É BRFL branch if not a leaf PRIM List/Remove É/channel ¥ string'/pair/É LCAL OutStr É/channel ¥ pair/É LCAL OutPair É/channel ¥ É BRTR PRIM List/List to item É/channel ¥ pair/É LCAL OutPair É/channel ¥ É EDEF LDEF OutPair CMNT Sends a pair of characters CMNT Input: É/channel ¥ pair/É CMNT Output: É/channel ¥ É PRIM Stack/Duplicate É/channel ¥ pair/pair/É LITO 255 É/channel ¥ mask/pair/pair/É PRIM Ordinal/And É/channel ¥ char1/pair/É LCAL OutChar É/channel ¥ pair/É PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right PRIM Ordinal/Right É/channel ¥ char2/É LCAL OutChar É/channel ¥ É EDEF LDEF OutChar CMNT Sends a character CMNT Input: É/channel ¥ char/É CMNT Output: É/channel ¥ É PRIM Stack/Duplicate É/channel ¥ char/char/É BRFL branch if a null PRIM Stack/Drop É/channel ¥ É BRTR PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/channel ¥ channel/char/É ASIO SIO/output_character É/channel ¥ É EDEF