STRE Prototype SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354289 ESBR SORD 2 Maintained Start OR gate LIST action list XLST Store and compute: Line Run gate LITO 4 index LITO 5 key EXLS ELST LITO 65534 MAP LITO 0 M-Start 1 LITO 0 M-Start 2 LITO 0 M-Start 3 LITO 0 M-Start 4 ESBR SORD 3 E-Stop + Health OR gate LIST action list XLST Store and compute: Start latch LITO 6 index LITO 4 key EXLS XLST Store and compute: Run latch LITO 5 index LITO 6 key EXLS ELST LITO 30583 MAP LITO 1 E-Stop LITO 1 Health LITO 0 dummy LITO 0 dummy ESBR SORD 4 Start latch LIST action list LIST Store Only: Feedback LITO 3 index LITO 4 key ELST XLST Store and compute: Line Run Gate LITO 5 index LITO 5 key EXLS MSGE send output: #4 (Start latch) GSYM Output/#4 EMSG ELST LITO 52460 MAP LITO 0 Feedback LITO 0 Start LITO 0 Stop LITO 0 E-stop & Health ESBR SORD 5 Enable gate LIST action list XLST Store and compute: Run Latch LITO 4 index LITO 6 key EXLS LIST Store Only: Run (used for edge detection) LITO 6 index LITO 6 key ELST ELST LITO 43176 MAP LITO 1 Line Run LITO 0 M-Starts LITO 0 Start Latch output LITO 0 dummy ESBR SORD 6 Run latch LIST action list LIST Store Only: Feedback LITO 3 index LITO 6 key ELST XLST Store and compute: Output latch LITO 4 index LITO 7 key EXLS MSGE send output: #3 (Run latch) GSYM Output/#3 EMSG ELST LITO 2252 MAP LITO 0 Feedback LITO 0 Run LITO 0 E-Stop & Health LITO 0 Run Store ESBR SORD 7 Output latch LIST action list LIST Store only: Feedback LITO 3 index LITO 7 key ELST MSGE send output: #1 (Non-inv output) GSYM Output/#1 EMSG BRFL send inverted output: #2 (Inv output) GSYM Output/#2 BRTR ELST LITO 52942 MAP LITO 0 Feedback LITO 0 Run latch output LITO 1 Reset gate output LITO 0 Dummy ESBR SORD 8 Reset OR gate LIST action list XLST Store and compute: Output latch LITO 5 index LITO 7 key EXLS ELST LITO 63479 MAP LITO 1 Enable LITO 1 Health LITO 1 Zero Speed LITO 0 dummy ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+0,800,144,45;Output ESBR SGLB Output/#2 LCON /*+0,836,216,9;Inverted Output ESBR SGLB Output/#3 LCON /*+788,800,360,45,RUN LATCH;Run Latch Output ESBR SGLB Output/#4 LCON /*+788,800,288,45,START LATCH;Start Latch Output ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 ESBR SGLB General/Initialize For internal class use only CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É PRIM Timer/Get PAT É ¥ time/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ inst/time/É GSYM Logic/Trigger É ¥ method/inst/time/É CLAS 354289 ESBR SGLB Logic/Enable /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: Reset OR gate LITO 3 index LITO 8 key EXLS XLST Store and compute: Enable gate LITO 3 index LITO 5 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/M-Start 1 /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: M-start gate LITO 3 index LITO 2 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/M-Start 2 /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: M-start gate LITO 4 index LITO 2 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/M-Start 3 /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: M-start gate LITO 5 index LITO 2 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/M-Start 4 /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: M-start gate LITO 6 index LITO 2 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/Start /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: Start latch LITO 4 index LITO 4 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/Stop /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: Start latch LITO 5 index LITO 4 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/E-Stop /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: E-Stop & Health OR Gate LITO 3 index LITO 3 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/Health /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: E-Stop & Health OR Gate LITO 4 index LITO 8 key EXLS XLST Store and compute: Output Latch LITO 4 index LITO 3 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/Zero Speed /3t5,false,true;Select... CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/arg/É LIST É ¥ list/inst/arg/É XLST Store and compute: Output latch LITO 5 index LITO 8 key EXLS ELST LCAL DoIt ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Enable /2t4,false,true LITO 3 CALL 354078 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get M-Start 1 /2t4,false,true LITO 3 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get M-Start 2 /2t4,false,true LITO 4 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get M-Start 3 /2t4,false,true LITO 5 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get M-Start 4 /2t4,false,true LITO 6 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Start /2t4,false,true LITO 4 CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Stop /2t4,false,true LITO 5 CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get E-Stop /2t4,false,true LITO 3 CALL 354074 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Health /2t4,false,true LITO 4 CALL 354074 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Zero Speed /2t4,false,true LITO 5 CALL 354084 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output /2t4,false,true LITO 3 CALL 354082 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Start Latch /2t4,false,true LITO 3 CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Run Latch /2t4,false,true LITO 3 CALL 354080 ESBR SGLB Logic/Trigger For internal class use only CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/time/É CMNT ---- requeue trigger TIME 2000.000 É ¥ Æt/inst/time/É PRIM Stack/Xswap É ¥ Æt/time/inst/É GSYM Logic/Trigger É ¥ method/Æt/time/inst/É CALL 354057 É ¥ inst/É CMNT ---- send outputs LITO 3 É ¥ 3/inst/É LITO 7 É ¥ 7/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ output/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup down É ¥ output/inst/output/É GSYM Output/#1 É ¥ #1/output/inst/output/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/output/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ output/inst/É PRIM Ordinal/Test zero É ¥ ~output/inst/É GSYM Output/#2 É ¥ #2/~output/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/É LITO 3 É ¥ 3/inst/É LITO 6 É ¥ 6/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ run/inst/É GSYM Output/#3 É ¥ #3/run/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/É LITO 3 É ¥ 3/inst/É LITO 4 É ¥ 4/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ start/inst/É GSYM Output/#4 É ¥ #4/start/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR ESTR CMTL 5 graphic info CMNT 4 -18,-18,818,864 CMTL 3 0 CMNT 24 16,-36,144,9,3,3,E-STOP;Logic/E-Stop CMNT 24 16,-36,216,9,4,5,STOP;Logic/Stop CMNT 24 16,0,288,45,4,4,START;Logic/Start CMNT 24 16,0,360,45,2,3,M-START 1;Logic/M-Start 1 CMNT 24 16,0,432,45,2,4,M-START 2;Logic/M-Start 2 CMNT 24 16,0,504,45,2,5,M-START 3;Logic/M-Start 3 CMNT 24 16,0,576,45,2,6,M-START 4;Logic/M-Start 4 CMNT 24 16,0,648,45,3,4,HEALTHY;Logic/Health CMNT 24 16,0,720,45,8,5,ZERO SPEED;Logic/Zero Speed CMNT 24 16,0,792,45,5,3,ENABLE;Logic/Enable ECMT CMTL 7 0 CMNT 22 -40,136,1,3,3,Logic/Get E-Stop;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -40,208,1,4,5,Logic/Get Stop;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -20,280,1,4,4,Logic/Get Start;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,352,1,2,3,Logic/Get M-Start 1;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,424,1,2,4,Logic/Get M-Start 2;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,496,1,2,5,Logic/Get M-Start 3;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,568,1,2,6,Logic/Get M-Start 4;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,640,1,3,4,Logic/Get Healthy;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,712,1,8,5,Logic/Get Zero Speed;/t,F,T CMNT 22 -10,784,1,5,3,Logic/Get Enable;/t,F,T CMNT 14 820,136,1,7,3,Logic/Get Output;/t,F,T CMNT 14 820,280,1,4,3,Logic/Get Start Latch;/t,F,T CMNT 14 820,352,1,6,3,Logic/Get Run Latch;/t,F,T ECMT CMNT 8 0,0,800,846 CMNT 18 400,70,DRIVE START LOGIC CMNT 44 -36,126,0,162 CMNT 44 -36,198,0,234 CMNT 44 800,198,836,234 ECMT LDEF DoIt CMNT Input: É ¥ list/inst/arg/É CMNT Output: É ¥ É PRIM Stack/Rotate down É ¥ arg/list/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/arg ¥ list/inst/É CALL 354251 É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self EDEF