STRE SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354238 ESBR SORD 2 LITO 2 state TIME 2000.000 /o;Time Range (ms) PVAL 1 /o,-100,100,0,100;Delay time (% of Time Range) ESBR SORD 3 LITO 0 timing state TIME 0.000 target time ESBR SGLB Output/#2 LCON /*+;Non-inverted Output ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+;Inverted Output ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354237 ESBR SGLB General/Initialize CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/É LITO 1 É ¥ 1/inst/É CALL 354064 PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Logic/Input /3t5,false,true;Input CMNT Expects: É ¥ inst/data/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ data/inst/É PRIM Ordinal/Test zero É ¥ !data/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É ¥ inst/!data/É GSYM Logic/Input É ¥ method/inst/!data/É CLAS 354237 delegate to superclass ESBR SGLB Logic/Get Output /2e102,error,true,false,timing (true) LITO 1 LITO 2 CALL 354086 ESBR ESTR