STRE SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354052 ESBR SORD 2 /e,,,Main parameters;Main data structure PVAL 0.100009 /o;Underwind Diameter PVAL 0 /o;Position Gain PVAL 0.0100101 /o/-100,100,1,20;Build Up (1 - 20) PVAL 0.0199896 /o;Ramp Increment LVAL 0 ramp input/output LVAL 0 speed from Jog routine ESBR SORD 3 /e,,,,PID parameters;PID data structure LVAL 0 PID output PVAL 0.500015 /oSetpoint LIST LITO 0 time LVAL 0 last error PVAL 0 /o/-100,100,-100,100;Integral preset (-100% to 100%) ELST PORD 1 /t,Disabled,Enabled;PID Enable PORD 0 /t,Reset,Enabled;Integral Enable PVAL 0.333323 /o/-30,30,0,30;Proportional Gain (0 to 30) PVAL 0 /o/-5,5,-5,5;Derivative Gain (-5 to 5) PVAL 1 /o/-100,100,0,100;PG limit (0% to 100%) PVAL 0.899991 /o/-100,100,-100,100;+FB limit (-100% to 100%) PVAL -0.899991 /o/-100,100,-100,100;-FB limit (-100% to 100%) PVAL 0.333323 /o/-15,15,0.1,15;Integral TC (0.1 to 15) ESBR SORD 4 /e,,,,,Jog parameters;Jog data structure PORD 0 /t,Disabled,Enabled;Jog Enable PORD 0 /t,Off,Started;Start Signal PVAL 0 /o;Line Speed PVAL 0 /o;Jog Speed ESBR SORD 6 /e,,,,,,,Diameter parameters;Diameter data structure PVAL 0.199988 /o;Core Trim PVAL 0 /o;Diameter PVAL 1 /o;Underwind sign (1 or -1) PVAL 0.199988 /o;Full Roll Trim ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+Speed Demand ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 ESBR SGLB General/Initialize /1 LITO 3 PRIM S_tree/Get exact É ¥ list/3/inst/É PRIM Analog/INIT_PID15 É ¥ list/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Feedback /3 Trigger! LVAL 0 PRIM Stack/Rotate down feedback/0/inst/É PRIM Value/Clamp low feedback/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/feedback ¥Êinst/É LITO 3 PRIM S_tree/Get exact É/feedback ¥ÊPID data/3/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux feedback/PID data/3/inst/É ASIO Analog/DO_PID15 PID/PID data/3/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/PID ¥ PID data/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put É/PID ¥ inst/É LITO 0 get whole list LITO 2 s_tree index of main list PRIM S_tree/Read PRIM List/Remove É/PID ¥ list/underwind dia/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ PID/list/underwind dia/inst/É LVAL 0.0100101 .01/PID/list/underwind dia/inst/É PRIM Stack/Rotate down list/.01/PID/underwind dia/inst/É PRIM List/Remove position gain PRIM List/Behead build up PRIM Stack/Dup to aux É/build up ¥ build up/list/gain/.01/PID/uwind/É PRIM Stack/Swap É/build up ¥ list/build up/gain/.01/PID/uwind/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/build up/list ¥ build up/gain/.01/PID/uwind/É PRIM Value/Scale É/build up/list ¥ scaled gain/PID/uwind/É PRIM Value/Multiply É/build up/list ¥ scaled PID/uwind/É LVAL 0.0100101 É/build up/list ¥ .01/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É/build up ¥ list/.01/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM List/Remove list/ramp incr/É PRIM List/Remove list/old ramp/ramp incr/É PRIM List/List to item speed/old ramp/ramp incr/É LCAL Ramp É/build up ¥ ramped speed/.01/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ build up/ramped speed/.01/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM Stack/Over r speed/build up/r speed/.01/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/r speed ¥ build up/r speed/.01/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM Value/Scale É/r speed ¥ scaled speed/scaled PID/uwind/É PRIM Value/Add PRIM Value/Fraction É/r speed ¥ speed demand/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É/r speed ¥ inst/speed demand/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ r speed/inst/speed demand/É LITO 5 index of ramp output in list LITO 2 s_tree index of main list PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/speed demand/É PRIM Stack/Swap speed demand/inst/É PRIM Stack/Duplicate speed demand/speed demand/inst/É PRIM Analog/SEND_ANLG_OUT always send output to Analog Output GSYM Output/#1 output #1/speed demand/inst/É PRIM Misc/Send entry inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Line Speed /3 LVAL 0 PRIM Stack/Rotate down line speed/0/inst/É PRIM Value/Clamp low line speed/inst/É LITO 3 line speed index LCAL Jog PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Build Up /3v/-100,100,1,20;Build Up (1-20)... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/... LITO 3 build up index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Ramp Rate PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/... LITO 4 ramp incr. index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Start /3t,Off,Started;Set Start as ... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 2 start signal index LCAL Jog PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Jog Speed /3 PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 4 jog speed index LCAL Jog PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Jog /3t,Disabled,Enabled;Set Jog as ... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 1 jog enable index LCAL Jog PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Full Roll Trim /3 PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 4 full roll diameter index LITO 6 diameter data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Diameter /3 PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 2 diameter index LITO 6 diameter data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace LCAL Diameter PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Core Trim /3 PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 1 core diameter index LITO 6 diameter data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Underwind /3t,Disabled,Enabled;Set Underwind as ... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É BRFL branch if not underwind LVAL 1 not underwinding LITO 3 underwind sign index LITO 6 diameter data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self BRTR LVAL -1 underwinding, negative diameter LITO 3 underwind sign index LITO 6 diameter data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Setpoint /3 PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 2 setpoint index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/PID Enable /3t,Disabled,Enabled;Set PID Enable as ... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 4 enable index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Integral Enable /3t,Disabled,Enabled;Set Integral Enable as ... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 5 Integral Enable index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Proportional /3v/-30,30,0,30;Proportional Gain (0 to 30) PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 6 P gain index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Derivative /3v/-5,5,-5,5;Derivative Gain (-5 to 5) PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 7 D gain index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/PG Limit /3v/-100,100,0,100;PG limit (0% to 100%)... PRIM Stack/Swap data/inst/É LITO 8 PG limit index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Pos FB Limit /3v/-100,100;FB Maximum Limit (-100% to 100%)... PRIM Stack/Swap LITO 9 +FB limit index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Neg FB Limit /3v/-100,100;FB Minimum Limit (-100% to 100%)... PRIM Stack/Swap LITO 10 -FB limit index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Integral /3v/-15,15,0.1,15;Integral TC (0.1 to 15) PRIM Stack/Swap LITO 11 Integral TC index LITO 3 PID data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Underwind /2 LITO 1 index of underwind dia. LITO 2 s_tree index of main list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Pos. Gain /2 LITO 2 position gain index LITO 2 main data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Build Up /2v/-100,100;%1.0f LITO 3 build up index LITO 2 main data CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Ramp Rate /2 LITO 4 ramp incr. index LITO 2 main data CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Ramp Output /2 LITO 5 index of ramp output in list LITO 2 s_tree index of main list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Ramp Input /2 LITO 6 index of Jog routine output LITO 2 s_tree index of main list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Jog Enable /2t,Disabled,Enabled LITO 1 index of jog enable LITO 4 s_tree index of jog list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Start /2t,Off,Started LITO 2 index of start LITO 4 s_tree index of jog list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Line Speed /2 LITO 3 index of line speed LITO 4 s_tree index of jog list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Jog Speed /2 LITO 4 index of jog speed LITO 4 s_tree index of jog list CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get PID Output /2 LITO 1 output index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Setpoint /2 LITO 2 setpoint index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get PID Enable /2t,Disabled,Enabled LITO 4 Enable index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Integral Enable /2t,Disabled,Enabled LITO 5 Integral Enable index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Proportional /2v/-30,30; LITO 6 P gain index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Derivative /2v/-5,5; LITO 7 D gain index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get PG Limit /2v/-100,100;%3.1f%% LITO 8 PG limit index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Pos FB Limit /2v/-100,100;%3.1f%% LITO 9 +FB limit index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Neg FB Limit /2v/-100,100;%3.1f%% LITO 10 -FB limit index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Integral /2v/-15,15; LITO 11 Integral TC index LITO 3 PID data structure CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Full Roll Trim /2 LITO 4 full roll index LITO 6 dia. info index CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Diameter /2 LITO 2 diameter index LITO 6 dia. info index CALL 354086 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Core Trim /2 LITO 1 core index LITO 6 dia. info index CALL 354086 ESBR ESTR LDEF Ramp target/ramp/incr/É CMNT this will be replaced by an ASIO PRIM Stack/Xover PRIM Stack/Xover PRIM Stack/Xover target/ramp/incr/target/ramp/incr/É PRIM Value/Subtract PRIM Value/Absolute PRIM Value/Subtract incr-abs(ramp-target)/target/ramp/incr/É PRIM Value/Test negative BRFL branch if delta less than incr. PRIM Stack/Drop PRIM Stack/Xdrop PRIM Stack/Xdrop return target if abs(target-ramp)