STRE SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354048 ESBR SORD 2 main data structure PVAL 0 /o,-120,120;Minimum Clamp Speed (%) PVAL 0 /o,-120,120;Ratio-Draw Speed (%) PVAL 0 /o;Trim Range ESBR SORD 3 /e,,,,PID parameters;PID data structure LVAL 0 PID output PVAL 0.500015 /oSetpoint LIST LITO 0 time LVAL 0 last error LVAL 0 /o/-100,100,-100,100;Integral preset (-100% to 100%) ELST PORD 0 /t,Disabled,Enabled;PID Enable PORD 0 /t,Disabled,Enabled;PID Integral Enable PVAL 0 /o/-30,30,0,30;Proportional Gain (0 to 30) PVAL 0 /o/-5,5,-5,5;Derivative Gain (-5 to 5) PVAL 1 /o/-100,100,0,100;PG limit (0% to 100%) PVAL 0.899991 /o/-100,100,-100,100;FB upper limit (-100% to 100%) PVAL -0.899991 /o/-100,100,-100,100;-FB limit (-100% to 100%) PVAL 0.00668355 /o/-15,15,0.1,15;Integral TC (0.1 to 15) ESBR SORD 4 Agitate data structure PVAL 0 /o,-120,120;Minimum Speed (%) PVAL 0 /o,-120,120;Agitate Speed (%) PORD 0 /e,Minimum Speed,Agitate Speed;Select Agitate Speed... ESBR SORD 5 draw data structure PVAL 0 /o;Draw PVAL 0.100009 /o;Range PORD 0 /t,Ratio,Draw;Draw/Ratio Mode ESBR SORD 6 trim data structure PVAL 0 /o;NON-Ext. Trim PVAL 0 /o;Extensible Trim PORD 0 /e,Non Extensible,Extensible;Select Web Type... ESBR SORD 14 loadcell parameters PVAL 0.100009 /o,-10,10;Span (-10 to 10) PVAL 1 /o;Sign 1 PVAL 0 /o;Zero 1 PVAL 1 /o;Sign 2 PVAL 0 /o;Zero 2 PVAL 0 /o;I/P 2 ESBR SORD 15 Miscellaneous values LVAL 0 feedback LVAL 0 speed demand ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+Speed Demand ESBR SGLB Output/#13 LCON /*+;Loadcell Tension ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354100 ESBR SGLB General/Initialize LCAL Agitate inst/É LCAL Trim inst/É LITO 3 PRIM S_tree/Get exact É ¥ list/3/inst/É PRIM Analog/INIT_PID15 É ¥ list/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Winders/Feedback /3 Trigger! LCAL Feedback ESBR SGLB Winders/Line Speed /3v57/-120,120;Enter Line Speed (%): LITO 0 get whole draw structure LITO 5 PRIM S_tree/Read list/inst/line speed/É PRIM Stack/Xswap list/line speed/inst/É PRIM List/Remove list/draw/line speed/inst/É PRIM List/Remove list/range/draw/line speed/inst/É PRIM List/List to item draw enable/range/draw/line speed/inst/É BRFL branch if in Ratio PRIM Value/Multiply scaled draw/line speed/inst/É LVAL 0.100009 .1/scaled draw/line speed/inst/É PRIM Value/Scale ratio speed/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap inst/ratio speed/É LITO 2 ratio/draw speed index CALL 354073 BRTR PRIM Value/Multiply scaled draw/line speed/inst/É PRIM Stack/Over line speed/scaled draw/line speed/inst/É LVAL 0.100009 .1/line speed/scaled draw/line speed/inst/É PRIM Value/Scale calc. speed/line speed/inst/É PRIM Value/Add draw speed/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap inst/draw speed/É LITO 2 ratio/draw speed index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Clamp Speed /3v57/-120,120;Enter Clamp Speed (%): LITO 1 clamp speed index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/R-D Speed /3v57/-120,120;Enter R-D Speed (%): LITO 2 r-d speed index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Trim Range /3 LITO 3 trim range index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Minimum Speed /3v57/-120,120;Enter Minimum Speed (%): LITO 1 minimum speed index LCAL Agitate Set ESBR SGLB Winders/Agitate Speed /3v57/-120,120;Enter Agitate Speed (%): LITO 2 agitate speed index LCAL Agitate Set ESBR SGLB Winders/Agitate Enable /3e,Minimum Speed,Agitate Speed;Select Agitate Speed... LITO 3 enable index LCAL Agitate Set ESBR SGLB Winders/Draw /3 LITO 1 draw index CALL 354079 ESBR SGLB Winders/Range /3 LITO 2 range index CALL 354079 ESBR SGLB Winders/Ratio-Draw Mode /3t,Ratio,Draw;Select Mode LITO 3 draw enable index CALL 354079 ESBR SGLB Winders/Non-Ext. Trim /3 LITO 1 non-extensible trim index LCAL Trim Set ESBR SGLB Winders/Extensible Trim /3 LITO 2 extensible trim index LCAL Trim Set ESBR SGLB Winders/Extensible Web /3e,Non Extensible,Extensible;Select Web Type... LITO 3 enable index LCAL Trim Set ESBR SGLB Winders/Loadcell 1 /3 Trigger! LCAL Loadcell ESBR SGLB Winders/LC Span /3 LITO 1 CALL 354150 ESBR SGLB Winders/LC Sign 1 /3 LITO 2 CALL 354150 ESBR SGLB Winders/LC Zero 1 /3 LITO 3 CALL 354150 ESBR SGLB Winders/LC Sign 2 /3 LITO 4 CALL 354150 ESBR SGLB Winders/LC Zero 2 /3 LITO 5 CALL 354150 ESBR SGLB Winders/Loadcell 2 /3 LITO 6 CALL 354150 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get LC Span /2 LITO 1 CALL 354149 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get LC Sign 1 /2 LITO 2 CALL 354149 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get LC Zero 1 /2 LITO 3 CALL 354149 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get LC Sign 2 /2 LITO 4 CALL 354149 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get LC Zero 2 /2 LITO 5 CALL 354149 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Loadcell 2 /2 LITO 6 CALL 354149 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Clamp Speed /2v58,-120,120;%1.2f%% LITO 1 minimum clamp speed index CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get R-D Speed /2v58,-120,120;%1.2f%% LITO 2 ratio-draw speed index CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Trim Range /2 LITO 3 trim range index CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Minimum Speed /2v58,-120,120;%1.2f%% LITO 1 minimum speed index CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Agitate Speed /2v58,-120,120;%1.2f%% LITO 2 agitate speed index CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Draw /2 LITO 1 draw index CALL 354078 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Range /2 LITO 2 range index CALL 354078 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get R-D Mode /2t,Ratio,Draw LITO 3 draw enable index CALL 354078 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Non-Ext. Trim /2 LITO 1 non-extensible trim index CALL 354080 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Extensible Trim /2 LITO 2 extensible trim index CALL 354080 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Feedback /2v6,-100,100;%3.2f%% LITO 1 feedback index CALL 354140 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Speed Demand /2v58,-120,120;%1.1f%% LITO 2 sd index CALL 354140 ESBR ESTR LDEF Loadcell inst/feedback/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/ip1 ¥ inst/É LITO 0 whole list LITO 14 loadcell data PRIM S_tree/Read É/ip1 ¥ list/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/ip1 ¥ list/span/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/ip1 ¥ list/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/ip1 ¥ list/zero1/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/ip1 ¥ list/sign2/zero1/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/ip1 ¥ list/zero2/sign2/zero1/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/ip1 ¥ ip2/zero2/sign2/zero1/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM Value/Add É/ip1 ¥ ip2+zero2/sign2/zero1/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply É/ip1 ¥ result2/zero1/sign1/span/inst/É PRIM Stack/Rotate up É/ip1 ¥ zero1/sign1/result2/span/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ ip1/zero1/sign1/result2/span/inst/É PRIM Value/Add É ¥ ip1+zero1/sign1/result2/span/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply É ¥ result1/result2/span/inst/É PRIM Value/Add É ¥ result/span/inst/É LVAL 0.100009 É ¥ .1/result/span/inst/É PRIM Value/Scale É ¥ op/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup down É ¥ op/inst/op/É GSYM Output/#13 É ¥ out #13/op/inst/op/É CALL 354024 É ¥ inst/op/É LCAL Feedback EDEF LDEF Feedback inst/feedback/É PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/feedback ¥Êinst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/feedback ¥Êfeedback/inst/É LITO 1 feedback index LITO 15 misc data PRIM S_tree/Replace É/feedback ¥Êinst/É LITO 3 PRIM S_tree/Get exact É/feedback ¥ÊPID data/3/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux feedback/PID data/3/inst/É ASIO Analog/DO_PID15 PID/PID data/3/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/PID ¥ PID data/3/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Put É/PID ¥ inst/É LITO 0 get whole list LITO 2 s_tree index of main list PRIM S_tree/Read PRIM List/Remove É/PID ¥ list/clamp/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/PID ¥ list/draw/clamp/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/PID ¥ trim/draw/clamp/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ PID/trim/draw/clamp/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply trimmed PID/draw/clamp/inst/É PRIM Value/Add trimmed draw/clamp/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap clamp/trimmed draw/inst/É PRIM Value/Clamp low clamped output/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup down clamped output/inst/clamped output/É GSYM Output/#1 output #1/clamped output/inst/clamped output/É CALL 354024 inst/clamped output/É LITO 2 speed demand index CALL 354146 EDEF LDEF Agitate Set index/inst/data/É PRIM Stack/Xswap index/data/inst/É LITO 4 agitate data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É LCAL Agitate inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self EDEF LDEF Agitate inst/É LITO 0 whole structure LITO 4 agitate data structure PRIM S_tree/Read list/inst/É PRIM List/Remove list/min sp/inst/É PRIM List/Remove list/ag sp/min sp/inst/É PRIM List/List to item select/ag sp/min sp/inst/É BRFL branch if agitate not selected PRIM Stack/Drop min sp/inst/É LITO 1 clamp speed index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É BRTR PRIM Stack/Xdrop ag sp/inst/É LITO 1 clamp speed index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É EDEF LDEF Trim Set index/inst/data/É PRIM Stack/Xswap index/data/inst/É LITO 6 trim data structure PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É LCAL Trim inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self EDEF LDEF Trim inst/É LITO 0 whole structure LITO 6 trim data structure PRIM S_tree/Read list/inst/É PRIM List/Remove list/non/inst/É PRIM List/Remove list/ext/non/inst/É PRIM List/List to item select/ext/non/inst/É BRFL branch if non-extensible web PRIM Stack/Drop non/inst/É LITO 3 trim index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É BRTR PRIM Stack/Xdrop ext/inst/É LITO 3 trim index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É EDEF