STRE SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354033 ESBR SORD 2 /e,,,Main parameters;Main data structure PORD 0 /t,Rewind,Unwind;Preset Mode PORD 0 /t,Disable,Enable;Tension Enable PVAL 0.500015 /o;Clamped Winder Speed PVAL 0 /o;Tension Demand PVAL 0.100009 /o;Static & Dynamic Comp PVAL 1 /o;Inertia Compensation PVAL 1 /o;Derivative Calibration LVAL 0 previous line speed ESBR SORD 4 Diameter data LVAL 1 direction PVAL 0.500015 /o,-100,100;Fixed Inertia (%) PVAL 0.500015 /o,-100,100;Variable Inertia (%) PVAL 0.500015 /o;Width LVAL 0.00100711 Core Diameter Cubed PVAL 0.100009 /o;Core Diameter ESBR SORD 5 Direction data PORD 0 /t,Reverse,Forward;Direction PORD 0 /t,Unwind,Rewind;Mode ESBR SORD 6 Winder Speed data PVAL 0 /o;Clamp Speed (1/Field Range) LVAL 1 sign PVAL 0 /o;Static Compensation PVAL 1 /o;Dynamic Compensation ESBR SORD 7 Tension data LVAL 0.100009 diameter PVAL 0 /o;Trim PVAL 1 /o;Tension Calibration ESBR SGLB Output/#1 LCON /*+;Positive Current Limit ESBR SGLB Output/#2 LCON /*+;Negative Current Limit ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 ESBR SGLB General/Initialize /1 LITO 6 core index LITO 4 diameter data PRIM S_tree/Read core/inst/É PRIM Stack/Duplicate core/core/inst/É PRIM Stack/Duplicate core/core/core/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply core^2/core/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply core^3/inst/É LITO 5 cal index LITO 4 diameter data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ESBR SGLB Winders/Line Speed /3v;Enter Line Speed: PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/line sp ¥ inst/É LITO 0 whole list LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Read É/line sp ¥ list/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/line sp ¥ list/neg?/inst/É PRIM List/Behead É/line sp ¥ tension enable/list/neg?/inst/É BRFL branch if tension not enabled PRIM Stack/Drop É/line sp ¥ neg?/inst/É LVAL 1 É/line sp ¥ 1.0/neg?/inst/É LCAL LSave BRTR PRIM List/Remove É/line sp ¥ list/w sp/neg?/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/line sp ¥ list/tension/w sp/neg?/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/line sp ¥ list/S&D/tension/w sp/neg?/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/line sp ¥ list/inertia/S&D/É PRIM List/Remove É/line sp ¥ list/cal/inertia/S&D/É PRIM List/List to item É/line sp ¥ old/cal/inertia/S&D/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/line sp ¥ line sp/old/cal/inertia/S&D/É PRIM Value/Difference É/line sp ¥ delta/cal/inertia/S&D/É PRIM Value/Fraction É/line sp ¥ dt/inertia/S&D/É PRIM Value/Multiply É/line sp ¥ i comp/S&D/tension/w sp/neg?/inst/É PRIM Value/Add É/line sp ¥ loss/tension/w sp/neg?/inst/É PRIM Value/Add É/line sp ¥ demand/w sp/neg?/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply É/line sp ¥ c demand/neg?/inst/É LCAL LSave ESBR SGLB Winders/Tension Enable /3t,Disabled,Enabled;Set Tension Enable as... LITO 2 tension enable index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/S & D Comp /3 LITO 5 CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Inertia Comp /3 LITO 6 inertia comp index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Derivative Cal /3v;Enter Deriv. Calibration: LITO 7 cal index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Diameter /3v;Enter Diameter: PRIM Stack/Over dia/inst/dia/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/dia ¥ inst/dia/É LITO 0 get all of list LITO 4 diameter data PRIM S_tree/Read É/dia ¥ list/inst/dia/É PRIM List/Remove É/dia ¥ list/sign/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/dia ¥ list/fixed/sign/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/dia ¥ list/var./fixed/sign/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/dia ¥ list/width/var./fixed/sign/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/dia ¥ list/cal/width/var./fixed/sign/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/dia ¥ core/cal/width/var./fixed/sign/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/dia ¥ dia/core/cal/width/var./É PRIM Value/Divide É/dia ¥ rslt/cal/width/var./É PRIM Stack/Dup down É/dia ¥ rv/cal/rf/width/var./É PRIM Value/Multiply É/dia ¥ rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ dia/rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Stack/Duplicate É ¥ dia/dia/rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Stack/Duplicate É ¥ dia/dia/dia/rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Value/Multiply É ¥ dia^2/dia/rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Value/Multiply É ¥ dia^3/rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Value/Difference É ¥ rv/rf/width/var./É PRIM Stack/Xswap É ¥ rv/width/rf/var./É PRIM Value/Multiply É ¥ rv/rf/var./fixed/sign/É PRIM Stack/Xswap É ¥ rv/var./rf/fixed/sign/É PRIM Value/Multiply É ¥ rv/rf/fixed/sign/É PRIM Stack/Rotate up É ¥ rf/fixed/rv/sign/É PRIM Value/Multiply É ¥ rf/rv/sign/É PRIM Value/Add É ¥ rslt/sign/É PRIM Value/Multiply signed rslt/inst/É LITO 6 inertia index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/dia/É LITO 1 dia index CALL 354083 ESBR SGLB Winders/Fixed Inertia /3v;Enter Fixed Inertia: LITO 2 fixed index CALL 354077 ESBR SGLB Winders/Variable Inertia /3v;Enter Variable Inertia: LITO 3 variable inertia CALL 354077 ESBR SGLB Winders/Width /3v;Enter Width: LITO 4 width index CALL 354077 ESBR SGLB Winders/Core Diameter /3v;Enter Core Diameter: PRIM Stack/Over core/inst/core/É PRIM Stack/Duplicate core/core/inst/core/É PRIM Stack/Duplicate core/core/core/inst/core/É PRIM Value/Multiply core^2/core/inst/core/É PRIM Value/Multiply core^3/inst/core/É LITO 5 cal index LITO 4 diameter data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/dia/É LITO 6 core index CALL 354077 ESBR SGLB Winders/Direction /3t,Reverse,Forward;Select Direction: PRIM Stack/Over dir/inst/dir/É LITO 1 dir index LITO 5 direction data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/dir/É LITO 2 mode index LCAL Direction ESBR SGLB Winders/Mode /3t,Unwind,Rewind;Select Mode: PRIM Stack/Over dir/inst/dir/É LITO 2 mode index LITO 5 direction data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/dir/É LITO 1 dir index LCAL Direction ESBR SGLB Winders/Winder Speed /3v;Enter Winder Speed: PRIM Stack/Swap winder speed/inst/É PRIM Value/Absolute winder speed/inst/É PRIM Stack/Pop to aux É/winder speed ¥ inst/É LITO 0 whole list LITO 6 winder speed data PRIM S_tree/Read É/winder speed ¥ list/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/winder speed ¥ list/clamp/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/winder speed ¥ list/sign/clamp/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/winder speed ¥ list/static/sign/clamp/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/w sp ¥ dynamic/static/sign/clamp/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/w sp ¥ w sp/dynamic/static/sign/clamp/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply É/w sp ¥ rslt/static/sign/clamp/inst/É PRIM Value/Add É/w sp ¥ rslt/sign/clamp/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply É/w sp ¥ S & D comp/clamp/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ w sp/S & D comp/clamp/inst/É PRIM Stack/Rotate down clamp/w sp/S & D comp/inst/É PRIM Value/Clamp low clamped sp/S & D comp/inst/É PRIM Stack/Rotate up S & D comp/inst/clamped sp/É LITO 5 S & D index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/clamped sp/É LITO 3 clamped winder speed index CALL 354073 ESBR SGLB Winders/Clamp Speed /3v;Enter Clamp Speed: LITO 1 clamp index CALL 354081 ESBR SGLB Winders/Static Comp /3v;Enter Static Comp (%): LITO 3 static comp index CALL 354081 ESBR SGLB Winders/Dynamic Comp /3v;Enter Dynamic Comp (%): LITO 4 dynamic comp index CALL 354081 ESBR SGLB Winders/Tension /3v;Enter Tension Demand: PRIM Stack/Second to aux É/tension ¥ inst/É LITO 0 whole list LITO 7 tension data PRIM S_tree/Read É/tension ¥ list/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/tension ¥ list/dia/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/tension ¥ list/trim/dia/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/tension ¥ cal/trim/dia/inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ tension/cal/trim/dia/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply rslt/trim/dia/inst/É PRIM Value/Add rslt/dia/inst/É PRIM Value/Multiply rslt/inst/É LITO 4 tension index LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É ESBR SGLB Winders/Trim /3v;Enter Trim: LITO 2 trim index CALL 354083 ESBR SGLB Winders/Tension Cal /3v;Enter Tension Calibration: LITO 3 cal index CALL 354083 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Tension Enable /2t,Disabled,Enabled LITO 2 tension enable index CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get S & D Comp /2 LITO 5 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Inertia Comp /2 LITO 6 inertia comp index CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Derivative Cal /2 LITO 7 cal index CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Line Speed /2 LITO 8 CALL 354072 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Fixed Inertia /2 LITO 2 fixed index CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Var. Inertia /2 LITO 3 var. index CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Width /2 LITO 4 width index CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Core Diameter /2 LITO 6 core index CALL 354076 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Direction /2t,Reverse,Forward LITO 1 direction index CALL 354078 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Mode /2t,Unwind,Rewind LITO 2 mode index CALL 354078 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Clamp Speed /2 LITO 1 clamp index CALL 354080 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Static Comp /2 LITO 3 static index CALL 354080 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Dynamic Comp /2 LITO 4 dynamic index CALL 354080 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Diameter /2 LITO 1 dia index CALL 354082 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Trim /2 LITO 2 trim index CALL 354082 ESBR SGLB Winders/Get Tension Cal /2 LITO 3 cal index CALL 354082 ESBR ESTR LDEF LSave É/line sp ¥ demand/neg?/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É/line sp ¥ neg?/demand/inst/É BRFL branch if positive (rewind) GSYM Output/#1 CALL 354024 É/line sp ¥ inst/É LVAL -1 É/line sp ¥ -1.0/inst/É GSYM Output/#2 CALL 354024 É/line sp ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ line sp/inst/É LITO 8 old line speed LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É BRTR CMNT negative (unwind) PRIM Value/Negate É/line sp ¥ -demand/inst/É GSYM Output/#2 CALL 354024 É/line sp ¥ inst/É LVAL 1 É/line sp ¥ 1.0/inst/É GSYM Output/#1 CALL 354024 É/line sp ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ line sp/inst/É LITO 8 old line speed LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ É EDEF LDEF Direction index/inst/cond1/É LITO 5 direction data PRIM S_tree/Read cond2/inst/cond1/É PRIM Stack/Xswap cond2/cond1/inst/É CMNT do XOR on cond2 and cond1 (1 = false, -1 = true) BRFL branch if cond2 false BRFL branch if cond1 false LVAL 1 LCAL Sign BRTR LVAL -1 LCAL Sign BRTR BRFL branch if cond1 false LVAL -1 LCAL Sign BRTR LVAL 1 LCAL Sign EDEF LDEF Sign sign/inst/É PRIM Value/Test negative neg?/sign/inst/É PRIM Stack/Xswap neg?/inst/sign/É LITO 1 LITO 2 main data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/sign/É PRIM Stack/Over sign/inst/sign/É LITO 1 LITO 4 diameter data PRIM S_tree/Replace inst/sign/É LITO 2 CALL 354081 EDEF