STRE SGLB Misc/Class Reference CLAS 354028 Analog Handler ESBR SORD 2 main data PORD 0 /t,Voltage,Current;Output type ESBR SORD 3 /e,,,,Input #1;Setup Parameters LITO 65 /o,1,10000,3.072;Sample Rate (ms) LITO 0 /o;Destination Slot LITO 0 /o;Destination Node (0 if none) ESBR SORD 4 /e,,,,,Input #2;Setup Parameters LITO 65 /o,1,10000,3.072;Sample Rate (ms) LITO 0 /o;Destination Slot LITO 0 /o;Destination Node (0 if none) ESBR SORD 5 /e,,,,,,Input #3;Setup Parameters LITO 65 /o,1,10000,3.072;Sample Rate (ms) LITO 0 /o;Destination Slot LITO 0 /o;Destination Node (0 if none) ESBR SORD 6 /e,,,,,,,Input #4;Setup Parameters LITO 65 /o,1,10000,3.072;Sample Rate (ms) LITO 0 /o;Destination Slot LITO 0 /o;Destination Node (0 if none) ESBR SORD 7 /e,,,,,,,,Input #5;Setup Parameters LITO 65 /o,1,10000,3.072;Sample Rate (ms) LITO 0 /o;Destination Slot LITO 0 /o;Destination Node (0 if none) ESBR ESTR STRE SGLB Misc/Superclass Reference CLAS 354008 Object ESBR SGLB General/Initialize For internal use only LITO 6 initial count for Inputs LCAL Inputs initialize inputs LITO 1 output type index LITO 2 main data structure PRIM S_tree/Read É ¥ output type/inst/É ASIO Analog/ANLG_OP_TYPE É ¥ inst/É PRIM Heap/Store self ESBR SGLB Analog/Output /3v34,-100,100,0,100;Output (0 - 100 %) ... PRIM Heap/Store self É ¥ arg/É PRIM Analog/SEND_ANLG_OUT ESBR SGLB Analog/Get Input 1 /2v35,-10,10;%2.3f Volts LITO 1 ASIO Analog/GET_ANLG_INPUT CALL 354056 Respond withData ESBR SGLB Analog/Get Input 2 /2v35,-10,10;%2.3f Volts LITO 2 ASIO Analog/GET_ANLG_INPUT CALL 354056 Respond withData ESBR SGLB Analog/Get Input 3 /2v35,-10,10;%2.3f Volts LITO 3 ASIO Analog/GET_ANLG_INPUT CALL 354056 Respond withData ESBR SGLB Analog/Get Input 4 /2v35,-10,10;%2.3f Volts LITO 4 ASIO Analog/GET_ANLG_INPUT CALL 354056 Respond withData ESBR SGLB Analog/Get Input 5 /2v35,-10,10;%2.3f Volts LITO 5 ASIO Analog/GET_ANLG_INPUT CALL 354056 Respond withData ESBR SGLB Analog/Get Output /2v6,-100,100;%3.2f%% CMNT expects: É ¥ inst/route/É LITO 0 ASIO Analog/GET_ANLG_INPUT É ¥ setpoint/route/É CALL 354056 Respond withData ESBR ESTR CMTL 5 graphic info CMNT 4 -18,-18,1318,578,0 CMTL 3 0 CMNT 24 0,0,504,45,0,1,;Analog/Output ECMT CMTL 7 0 CMNT 14 16,164,0,3,1,;/u,1,10000,3.072;INPUT 1 (%ldms) CMNT 14 550,164,0,3,3,;/u,1,3000;DEST: %ld CMNT 14 930,164,0,3,2,;/u,1,3000;SLOT: %ld CMNT 14 16,236,0,4,1,;/u,1,10000,3.072;INPUT 2 (%ldms) CMNT 14 550,236,0,4,3,;/u,1,3000;DEST: %ld CMNT 14 930,236,0,4,2,;/u,1,3000;SLOT: %ld CMNT 14 16,308,0,5,1,;/u,1,10000,3.072;INPUT 3 (%ldms) CMNT 14 550,308,0,5,3,;/u,1,3000;DEST: %ld CMNT 14 930,308,0,5,2,;/u,1,3000;SLOT: %ld CMNT 14 16,380,0,6,1,;/u,1,10000,3.072;INPUT 4 (%ldms) CMNT 14 550,380,0,6,3,;/u,1,3000;DEST: %ld CMNT 14 930,380,0,6,2,;/u,1,3000;SLOT: %ld CMNT 14 16,452,0,7,1,;/u,1,10000,3.072;INPUT 5 (%ldms) CMNT 14 550,452,0,7,3,;/u,1,3000;DEST: %ld CMNT 14 930,452,0,7,2,;/u,1,3000;SLOT: %ld CMNT 22 -10,500,1,0,1,Analog/Get Output;/v,-100,100;%1.0f%% CMNT 14 16,524,0,2,1,;/e,VOLTAGE,CURRENT;OUTPUT (%s) ECMT CMNT 8 0,0,1300,560 CMNT 18 650,70,ANALOG HANDLER ECMT LDEF Inputs count/inst/É CMNT on exit É ¥ inst/É PRIM Ordinal/Decrement channel #/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup to aux É/channel # ¥ channel #/inst/É BRFL branch if done (channel # == 0) PRIM Stack/Drop from aux É ¥ inst/É BRTR LITO 0 get all of list PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/channel # ¥ channel #/0/inst/É LITO 2 PRIM Ordinal/Add É/channel # ¥ info index/0/inst/É PRIM S_tree/Read É/channel # ¥ list/inst/É PRIM Stack/Dup from aux É/channel # ¥ channel #/list/inst/É PRIM Stack/Swap É/channel # ¥ list/channel #/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/channel # ¥ list/count/channel #/inst/É PRIM List/Remove É/channel # ¥ list/slot/count/channel #/inst/É PRIM List/List to item É/channel # ¥ node/slot/count/channel #/inst/É ASIO Analog/SET_INPUT_TC É/channel # ¥ inst/É PRIM Stack/Push from aux É ¥ channel #/inst/É LCAL Inputs EDEF