Eurotherm Drives Ltd UDP File Transfer Tool Readme This readme file provides information on using the File Transfer Tool with the 590/620. Contents: 1. Requirements 2. Installation 3. Using the tool 4. Support 1. Requirements PC running Windows 95/NT4 or later. 7 Mb Hard-disk space. Minimum RAM for target Operating System (16Mb for Windows 95/98, 32Mb for NT4) Available COM port(s) 2. Installation The installable files are contained in a zip archive and can easily be placed on two floppy disks. Disk 1 should contain the following 3 files: Setup.exe Setup.lst Disk 2 should contain the remaining file: To install the application, Setup.exe should be executed. Do this either from the 'Run...' command on the start-menu, or by double clicking the file in an explorer/winzip window. Follow on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Please note, it may be required to restart your computer during the installation process. If this happens, Setup.exe will need to be re-executed once the machine has fully booted. 3. Using the tool The tool is simple to use and requires little introduction. After executing the program, a splash screen will appear. This will disappear soon after or when a key has been pressed or the mouse button clicked on the window. The first page, allows you to input the type of data transfer, the file to transfer to/from, the COM port through which to transfer and the baud rate at which the transfer should take place. 3.1 Type of Transfer The value can be one of the following: MMI Download (RX) Downloads a ASCII representation of the MMI UDP Download (RX) Downloads a Binary representation of the MMI UDP Upload (TX) Uploads a Binary representation of the MMI Downloading results in file specified in 3.2 containing the data received from the drive. Uploading results in the contents of the file from 3.2 being sent to the drive. 3.2 File The file option specifies the file which shall be the target/source of the transfer. In the case of a download, the file is the target and shall contain the data sent by the drive. The resulting file can be considered to be a back-up of the contents of the drive and also be used for cloning. In the case of an upload, the file is the source and should be a previous UDP Download (RX). 3.3 COM Port Most PCs only have 2 COM ports. This application can handle up to 8 COM ports. The selected COM port will need to be free, i.e. not in use by a modem or mouse. If the port if not present or in use, an error message will appear. 3.4 Baud Rate This value should be set to be the same as that on the drive. Failure to ensure this will result in an undetermined execution of the application. 4. Support This software is supplied as is and so has no technical support.